Chapter 8

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- Ren's POV -

I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I pulled away, or why I've now withdrawn myself completely from Kylen. It's been a week since the kiss, and we've barely spoken. He wakes up super early, makes breakfast, and by the time I come out, there's only a plate of my favorite waffles cooked to a perfect crisp with slightly crispier edges. Just the way I like it. With syrup carefully poured in every other square and melted butter dripping gently over the sides.

This morning, as I sat and stared at it, I noticed a slip of paper next to the strawberries - which, by the way, Kylen also managed to pluck all the seeds out from and take off the leaves and slice them in half with chocolate syrup on it before I woke up. I shook my head, sighing. This man really felt the need to do all that because of a stupid kiss.

I mentally kicked myself.

It was my fault he was acting like this, my fault this wall between us was thicker than the blood that stained the bathroom floor of the bar. The bar that Kylen is now forcing himself to go to in order to avoid me.

I cursed and raised my hands to my face, then remembered the note by the berries. I peeked through my fingers to make sure it was really there, and then grabbed it. Flipping it open with my index finger, my eyes quickly scanned the words.

Within two seconds, I was on my feet, out the door, and dashing down the hall, car keys jingling in my hand.

-Kylen's POV-

There was only one thing left to do now. Jump.

And yet, I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. I stared down, down, down the thirty story building, the toes of my shoes peeking over the edge of the railing I now stood on. Tears were running down my face and all I could think about were the two very different last memories I had of the two men I loved most in the world.

The warmth on the body now cold, and the ice on the body still warm.


The simple word echoed, and I crouched and lowered myself, the tears coming now in earnest.

I sobbed into my hands, the weight of a thousand sorrows pressing down on me. "I just want it all to stop," I sobbed, "Just make the pain stop..."

I looked up at the sky, and felt the fist of cold determination clench my heart. "Leon..." I croaked, my voice a crackling mess. And yet, a feeling of peace descended upon me as I imagined seeing him and being wrapped up in his warm arms. "I'm coming, love."

I stood up once more and looked down at the street. I smiled and turned around, facing my back to the sunrise. A sigh escaped my lips and I opened my arms wide as though I was giving the world a hug. "I'm coming." I closed my eyes....and I jumped.



i'm just kidding i know i'm  a mean person but i'm not that mean. also tysm to those who have voted, and added LMM to their reading list. i really appreciate the support <3



My eyes flew open, and a pair of warm arms encircled my waist. I screamed like a little kid, pounding on the torso of whoever the hell this bitch thought they were, yelling at them to let me go, to let me fall. But they didn't. Instead, they brought me into their warm embrace, grunting as my fists beat them again and again, but not letting go.

Eventually my hoarse screaming dwindled to pathetic sobs and my quaking legs gave out. I sobbed hysterically into their chest, and as they pulled me in, I became delusional. Their embrace felt so familiar...

I sighed into it, my wet lips pulling into a blissful smile. "Leon..."

The arms tensed, and my moment of peace shattered. But then they softened once more and I began to relax. "Yeah," a voice murmured. 

An abrupt giggle bubbled out from me, crazy and wild. "You sound weird," I slurred, still laughing. I looked at the arms and realized that they were not, in fact, Leon's strong dark skinned ones, but light and less muscular. The tears came back, and the laughing continued getting louder and crazier.

"You're not Leon. Where's Leon?"

I looked up at the face of this fraud and was met with that of the second man who had rejected me in the past four months. Another wired giggle erupted from my lips, and Ren startled away from me.

"You're-hic-not Leon." I repeated, and as the reality of the situation descended on me, the laughs and the tears came harder. "Dear God. I tried to jump off a -hic- building. Leon's not here...he'll never be here."

Ren was now two feet away from me, his face tight in distress. "Kylen-" He reached a hand out to me and took a cautious step forward, but another sharp laugh sent his hand right back to his side.

"Leon's gone and everybody's nowhere," I trilled, turning in a circle and collapsing. "Leon is gone and my heart is shattered, everyone's nowhere, and nothing matters..."

The laughs stopped, but the sobs didn't. "Nothing matters anymore because everyone's nowhere and I'm still here and why am I still here I don't -hic- belong here..."

Ren approached me again, and this time he didn't back away when the giggles came back. "You're still here...why are you here why are any of us here none of use should be here we shouldn't be here..."

He scooped me up in my arms, and I screamed again, this time from internal agony rather than one of desperation. "Leon come back!! Why aren't you back home yet.....?"

And that was all I got out before I fainted.


kay now it's done frfr and don't ask why i always post so late

Love y'all <3

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