Pt 2, Ch 1

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ok guys, so this is sort of a sike moment because MAKING A WHOLE NEW BOOK TAKES SO GODDAMN LONG

but here we go :)

hope y'all like it because i'm slowly losing ideas for how to write this

btw this is a flashback to a few years back and the original time is abt two years forward from when we left off on chapter 11

or was it 12?



"Ren, darling," a cooing voice called, and I smiled as I drifted into the bedroom.

"Hi, love," I said, and Darius smiled. 

"How was your day?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, groaning as I crossed the room and flopped down on the bed next to him. "Oh, it was great," I said, sarcasm dripping heavily from my words, "I just got my ass kicked by my boss because some drunk whore decided to park in my parking space even though it was a private parking lot. So it's my fault that she did that because I should've put up a sign, you know, like the one that's already there. And guess what else?"

Darius quirked a perfect eyebrow, and after a moment his amusement melted into guilt. "Oh, I'm so sorry, love. Paparazzi again?"

A frustrated grunt escaped me, and Darius wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into his touch, my grumpy mood lifting off of me as he sighed into my hair.

"Well..." Darius began.

I grunted questioningly into the crook of his arm when the pause stretched longer. His arms tightened gently, and I felt his lips curl into a smile on the top of my head.

"How are you feeling now?"

I tilted my head up and pressed my lips against his. "Better."

His gentle, sea blue eyes caressed my face, and I leaned against his chest. "Now shut up and let me go to sleep I'm tired as hell."


now, cut to like a few months later, when Darius turns out to be a dick :D

also this scene was maybe like two weeks into their relationship, so Darius is still sweet old popstar

and yes, this shit goin from 0 to 100 ToT


"Darius?" My voice shook, fear pooling in the bottom of my stomach. Two empty bottle lay precariously on the table, and Darius's drunk laughter filled my ears as he turned to face me.

"Whatever seems to be the matter, darling?"

I backed away as he stumbled closer. My thighs smacked against the counter, and I hurriedly turned to dash into the bathroom before locking the door. This wasn't the first time he'd been like this, and more often than not, he ended up getting mad and he sometimes threw his empty bottles at me.

I jumped as the door shook with the impact of Darius's knock. "Where are you going, darling?"

A hiccup filtered through the door, followed by a bunch of drunk, mumbled lyrics.

"I'll never stop looking for you, oh darling you break my heart in two, whenever you run away from me, but I know this is where you're meant to be..." His voice cracked and he stumbled over most of the words, but another loud knock sent me skittering to the other side of the bathroom.

"Darling!?" Darius roared. "Darling, I know you're in there. Come out."

Tears filled my eyes. "Darius, please-"

"Ren! Come on, darling, why are you hiding from me?"

"Love, just-just back away from the door, okay? I won't run, but I need you to calm down, please."

A long pause filled the bathroom with a silence that scared me more than Darius did. My heart pounded in my ears, reverberating through my body, and finally, I heard shuffling footsteps as Darius moved away from the door.

Letting out a shaky exhale, I slowly walked forward. "Love, I'm coming out now."

Opening the door, I started at first when I saw Darius standing outside, staring at me. As soon as I stepped out, an odd smile covered his face, and he raised a steak knife. My eyes widened, and I didn't even get to scream as he brought the knife down.


annnnnnnnnddddddd now to real time


-Kylen's POV-

It had been two years since I'd last seen Ren. He'd been missing for so long. I didn't bother trying to track him down, because later on, someone had walked in, mistakenly thinking it was their apartment. When they saw me, they got concerned and started asking if I was okay, and I immediately broke down.

I told them almost everything, leaving out the affair parts, of course, and it turned out they actually worked at my bar as well. His name was Jordan, and apparently he was friends with Leon as well.

Talking about Leon reminded me of the letters, but after showing them to him, he ran a quick test and said that it wasn't written by Leon.

Weirdly enough, the only fingerprints they could find were mine.

Now, here I am, two years later, with Ren standing right in front of me.

He looked different, but the sight of him sent my pulse skittering. Jordan, who stood next to me, inhaled sharply as I grabbed his hand and squeezed as hard as I could.

"Jordan...?" I asked quietly, my voice weak, " I..."

I felt Jordan shift as he tried to peer through the thick crowd of screaming fans, and heard the wonder in his voice. "Darius Huxley? Holy shit..."

A pause, and now his voice had a hint of concern in it. "Kylen? You okay?"

I shook my head and pointed, and Jordan followed my finger. Almost as if he had sensed the attention, Ren turned his head to look straight at me. 

My heart stopped.

Another guy, a person who looked oddly familiar, stepped into my limited view that I had through the ocean of bodies in front of me, and I watched as he lowered his face next to Ren and whispered into his ear.

Several screams erupted, but Ren didn't even flinch. Instead, he kept his horrified gaze on me as the man leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his face. The ocean of bodies closed just as the man followed Ren's gaze to look at me. His glare forced  me to drop my eyes, and that's when I saw Ren's hand, signing the same phrase over and over again.

Help me.



enjoy :)

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