Pt. 2, Ch 2

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-Kylen's POV-

I slammed my fists against the table, fighting against the hot tears threatening to fall down my face. Jordan leaned back in his chair, his expression a war of concern and disbelief. His lips turned down into a frown as I stood, my chair falling backwards.

"I swear to you, Jordan, I know what I saw," I shouted, and I was even more angered when doubt flickered across his face.

"Wait, so let me get this straight...the guy you tried to murder two years signing to you for help while he's getting railed by a hot popstar?"

Infuriated by his childish response, I glared at him and snapped back, "Yeah, while he's getting railed, I'm putting you on a fucking rail if you don't listen to me right now."

Confusion still etched in the creases of his brow, the doubt on his face grew before he let out a resigned sigh and said, "So what do we do then? We can't very well call the police, because there's no way they'll take a case against the chief's son."

I blinked. "What?"

Jordan glanced up at me. "Yeah, you didn't know? The chief of police is his dad. Well, he just recently got promoted, but yeah. So I highly doubt they'd want to disrespect someone of high praise and their boss."

I groaned in frustration. "So what then?"

Jordan leaned forward on the table, crossing his arms and tucking his hands into the crooks of his elbows. "Well...I mean, we could always just talk to him."

I stared at him. "Really? You really think this guy's just gonna let us walk straight up to someone he's obviously hurting in some way and just...'talk to him'?"

"What's the air quotes for?" Jordan whined.

"Because I highly doubt that if we're given a chance to approach Ren-" I stumbled over his name, my heart wrenching as I thought back on our past, "-Ren, we wouldn't be talking to him."

Jordan quirked an eyebrow. "Then what would you propose we do in that situation?"

"Grab that bitch and run," I replied. Jordan's lips perked up on one side, and I ignored the rush of satisfaction and - irritatingly - the  quickening of my pulse as I fought to calm the hummingbird beatings of my heart. Now was no time to get distracted!

I groaned and turned, stomping away from Jordan and into the bathroom. I heard him get up to follow me, and I thought nothing of it as I walked in and turned to look in the mirror. "Look, Jordan, I-"

I glanced up in the mirror, meeting his eyes, and something in them made me pause. "Jordan?"

His adam apple bobbed, and I turned to face him. His lips twitched, and he stalked closer to me until his breath mingled with my own. A blush warmed my cheeks, and I let out a sharp exhale as he leaned closer and put his hands on the sink, each almost an inch away from my waist.


"Why him?" 

The words were quiet, but carried something dark. "Why him? Why not me?"

I drew my brows together. "Ren? But-"

"No, not Ren. Why...why Leon?"

My mouth dropped open, and my heart almost stopped beating. I hadn't forgotten about Leon, of course, but I had kept myself from thinking about it, knowing that it'd only make matters worse. Tears filled my eyes as the memories of his dead body came flooding past the walls I'd built and breaking them down. 

Jordan had tears falling, too, and he lifted a shaking hand to caress my cheek. "Why...why him? He didn't...there was...he didn't do anything to deserve what he got...why..."

I let out a sob, and leaned into Jordan, who wrapped his arms around me, his warm tears falling onto my neck and my own tears dripping onto his. "I..." I stammered, but found that I had no words.

Jordan sobbed into my shoulder, and I felt his tears slide down my back. I leaned into his embrace, squeezing my eyes shut as tight as they could go, trying to reign myself in. Crying would do nothing, and obviously, I wasn't the one who needed it the most.

I held Jordan as he cried, and cried, and cried. He kept mumbling that he should've been there, and I comforted him as best I could. Finally, after a long while, he pulled back from my embrace and lifted his head to look at me with his bloodshot eyes.

"Kylen...this...might ruin our relationship, but..." He stared at me for a moment longer, before leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. It was just for the shortest second, but when he pulled away, I let out a small sigh and brought his face to mine, wanting the gentle kiss to go on.

His hands circled my waist and he lifted me on the sink. His soft lips became hungry, and I gasped as his grip on me tightened and he pressed his face hard against mine. A moan escaped from one of us, and I gasped as Jordan's teeth bit into my lip, quickly followed by a sigh as his hand crept up my body and slid into my shirt.

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open and I shoved him away.

Jordan stumbled back, panting, his dark skin flushed. He looked up at me with a guilty understanding, and he nodded and left the bathroom as I sat on the counter, staring at the floor. Kissing Jordan was a pleasure I didn't know I needed, but as soon as I'd come to that realization, I remembered Ren's expression as he received a kiss from Darius.

"Fuck," I sighed, and I stood and lumbered out into the hallway and into my room, ignoring Jordan as he stood in the living room and watched me walk past.


guys, ik this chapter is like the worst i've ever written (i mean, except for the first one) but i'm so tired rn




goodbye, my lovlies, and i'll see in you in the next chapter

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