Pt 2, Ch. 4

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-Ren's POV-

The next day, I shakily took a seat at the bar Kylen worked at, praying he still worked there while also hoping he had tried to jump off of another building.

He walked into the bar, and waves of a million emotions washed over me. Joy, sadness, relief, anxiety, grief, and it circled back to joy. Kylen was smiling and laughing, and my lips spread to make my own smile...until I saw what was causing that happiness.

I watched as Kylen placed his hand seductively on the waist of some random dude who looked oddly familiar. I soon realized why I recognized him.

Jordan shot Kylen a sultry smirk and my heart cracked as Kylen returned it.

I quickly turned away from the scene, the emotions crashing over me again.

Fear and anger and doubt and fear-

I curled my hands into fists, squeezing my eyes shut tight to hold back the tears.

-and fear and joy and doubt and fear and joy and anger and FEAR-

A warm hand lighted gently on my shoulder and I gasped, ducking away from it. Kylen stood before me, a conflicted look on his face.

"I knew it was you..." he whispered. His voice was like a punch to the gut. I hadn't heard it in so long and it brought back so much memories, good and bad and mostly bad.

"I recognized your hoodie. Are...are you okay?" Suddenly, fear and relief filled his eyes, with another emotion. Hope. "Did you escape from that terrible man? Are you here to see me and tell me that we can finally run away?"

Confusion washed over me before I realized he was talking about my call for help. But then I registered his last sentences. "Wha - run away? What are you talking about?"

Kylen's face fell. "Oh...nothing, I guess. But anyways. Ren, what-"

"I will explain everything soon, I promise, but first we have to go somewhere more private."

Fear returned full force and Kylen pulled away from me, his eyes wild. "No," he whispered, his voice terrible. "What - why would you want me alone with you after all I've done? I...I tried to kill you, Ren."

I nodded, my lips pressed into a tight line. And I'm returning the favor, aren't I, I thought. Shaking myself mentally, I gave Kylen a pleading look and held my hand out. "Please, Kylen. I...I need your help. And don't worry." I smiled at him, trying my best to make it look as though I wasn't scared, even though fear was pounding through me. "I won't let you or me harm anyone."

It startled me how willing I was to betray him like this, but the face of Darius angrier surfaced in my mind, and I had to force myself not to flinch. And then Kylen did something that made everything even worse.

Trust washed over his face, and he took my hand as though he wasn't scared at all. "I trust you, Ren," he said, and I knew he meant it.

I kept myself from replying that he shouldn't, because that would only serve to make things worse. Instead, I gave him a smile that he returned and let him lead me to a corner so I could continue to betray him even more.


i. am so. so so so so so so so so so so. sorry. for not posting for so long

i really ammmmmmm i so sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy

but now that i have posted, i know y'all are mad because it's so short and i know i can't really defend myself since i've been uploading other stories instead, but- ToT

i promise guys, the next chapter won't be posted until it has at least 1000 words like how i used to tell myself <3

goodbye my darling lovlies and i hope you guys had fun last night

i was talking about halloween, btw <3

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