Chapter 5

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"Seriously?" I muttered as I walked into the bar.

Carl was sitting in the same exact seat he'd made me straddle him on, his wrinkly hands clutching a wine bottle tightly. A small spider-web crack formed on the side of the cup, and Carl looked up at the small crack as though surprised.

Then, his eyes crossed the room and found mine. 

I immediately looked away and focused my attention on Paul, another man who was only 10 years older than me - so 36. But still rich as fuck, so I didn't really mind. I walked to his table and plopped my ass down right next to him. Paul glanced up, annoyed, but when he saw me his face positively glowed.

"Kylen! How are you today?" Paul asked, pulling me in for a hug. I pretended to be bashful, and a flurry of movement caught my eye. I stared at Paul, but monitored it in my peripheral vision. Carl stood and crossed the bar, then dropped a $100 right next to my foot. I knew it wasn't a mistake, because as soon as he left, I glanced down and saw a note paper-clipped to it. I bent down and picked it up, frowning, and Paul leaned in to look over my shoulder.

Please forgive me.

Paul whistled. "Who's that from?" 

I glanced outside, and for the first time, I felt a pang of guilt. Just a tiny one, but it was still there. "Carl," I mumbled. Paul followed my eyes to see Carl staring at us behind his black SUV. Honestly, I was surprised that someone that rich didn't have a whole goddamn limo or some shit.

"Want me to get rid of him? I'm much quicker and abler," Paul offered, but I laughed off the topic, feeling uncomfortable.

After I while, I felt his eyes leave my body and when I glanced outside again, he was gone.

"So, Paul, how was your day?"

"Nuh-uh-uh," Paul tutted. "You didn't answer when I asked."

I grinned at him. "It was fine. And besides, I got $100. I won't have to beg my boss for a raise for at least a week."

Paul frowned. "Want me to talk to him?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Just answer my question."

Paul laughed. "Oh, yeah, the usual. Took the kids to their mom's house, then went to meet with the governor, then I had to go to the company I bought - remember, I told you last week - well, it's going great, so far no financial troubles, and there's lots of orders coming through. Plus, my employees are getting all their work done in reasonable time, and after about three hours of sitting at my desk basically just looking at porn, I decided to grab a drink. Can see how well that turned out."

He gestured to the empty table in front of him, with no signs of drinks ever coming in contact with it. My eyes widened. "Oh my sweet lord, I am so sorry," I apologized, "Can I get you anything?"

Paul smirked and said, "Nah, it's alright, kid."

I frowned. "You're ten years older than me."

Paul grinned. "A full double digits. Get that in your head next time, bitch! Now, I've gotta get back to work. Bye, Ky."

I waved goodbye to Paul, but before he left, he turned and handed me a $20. "I know it's not as much as that other guy gave you, but I figured I'd pay you for keeping good company."

I smiled, but refused the money. He insisted quite profusely that I take it, and after a lot of arguing, I finally allowed him to shove it in my face before turning on his heel and leaving. I flipped him off through the window, but he just laughed at me.

Grinning back, I stood, turned, and had a heart attack. Gasping, I brought a hand up to my chest. "Fucking shit, Leon!"

Leon snickered, then grabbed the palm I had placed on my heart. Another jolt ricocheted through me, and this time it was one of excitement rather than surprise. He began pulling me to the door, but I frowned and removed my hand from his grasp. 

"Dude, our shift isn't over yet," I reminded him, trying to ignore the way he kept his eyes on me like I was the only person in the bar.

He shrugged. "Oh, I know. I just figured I'd probably get you out of here before Noah whats-his-name tried to get a little one-on-one with you."

I glanced behind me, and sure enough, another rich bitch was staring in my direction, his eyes downcast on my body. He was the one I didn't particularly like, because he never spoke, just stared at me like I was free eye candy. When we made eye contact, he raised an eyebrow, reached into his pocket, and pulled out $20 bill. Sliding it across the counter, he glanced towards the bathroom, and I cursed silently in my brain. It's not like I expected people to ignore Carl and I when we went in there, but I didn't expect people to really care. I glared back, then made a cut-throat gesture with my hand. He rolled his eyes, his daring expression turning brooding as he left the money on the counter and stood. Brushing past Leon and I, he exited the bar.

Leon's eyes followed him, suspicious and cold.

I flicked him in the head, and he glanced back at me, surprised. "Come on, dumbass. Get back to work."

Leon shook his head and muttered something about annoying roommates, but I was sure he wasn't talking about me. After all, I was much too handsome to be called annoying. I stifled a snicker, and Leon turned to give me a curious look. I didn't return it with a smile, just winked before asking the closest table if they would like anything else.

I walked back to the bar to make their order, and as I walked past Leon, I felt his fingers brush mine.



guys i'mma cut it short because i'm tired af right now, but first! did y'all eat today? drink water, take a shit? take care of yourselves, alright?

ily, nyx <3

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