Chapter 18- Keeping Secrets

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When I make it back to the home for the night, I immediately go to my room and flop down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. This fuzzy feeling is so new to me, I have no idea how I'm supposed to process it. All I know is that I feel really good, and that feels really good.

"So, I was right after all, wasn't I?" Pearl says as she suddenly peaks down from Aria's bed.

"The fuck are you doing up there?" I ask, my face turning bright red for the thousandth time today.

"Did you think we were lying about cuddling?" Aria states as she sheepishly climbs over Pearl, jumping down from the bunk "Right about what?" she asks curiously.

"He kissed you, didn't he?" Pearl asks, but she already seems to know without me saying anything.

"Magnus?" Aria says in shock, then stares at me "You kissed Magnus?" she asks excitedly.

"Well, he technically kissed me," I state as I grab Mr. Bugsy and squeeze him.

"Details, bitch. Details!" Aria shouts as she jumps onto the end of my bed.

"Well, I sort of fell asleep on him." I explain "When I woke up, we talked a little bit and then he gave me a massage-"

"Shoulders or... other places?" Pearl asks curiously as she climbs down to her bunk.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, it was just a shoulder rub." I laugh "But then he randomly stopped, and when I turned around, he just... kissed me." I explain, and suddenly I can't help but smile.

"Was it a quick peck, or something a little more... saucy?" Aria asks inquisitively.

"Does that really matter?" I ask, flustered.

"Yes." They both state in unison. I look between both of their faces before cracking a wider smile.

"Saucy." I blush, and they both start giggling.

It's been a few days since my reawakening and I still haven't made it back home. Nanea told me that she's been telling them that I've had trouble slipping away. Now more than ever, I'm realizing that going to visit is going to be harder than I thought. The next morning, I finally feel refreshed. Even with a few unknowns out there, things really seemed to be looking up.

"We're leaving," Aria shouts as she, Pearl, Alex and I start to leave, then suddenly, Nanea comes around the corner out of the kitchen.

"Not so fast, Tessa. I need to talk to you," she states, and suddenly everyone looked at me curiously.

"About what?" I asked anxiously.

"Nothing bad, I promise. Just hang back for a little while, you're going to be a bit late today," she explains calmly. As I look at the others, they all seem worried but make their way out as Nanea closes the door behind them.

"This better be good," I say boldly, dropping the nervous act.

"Is that any way to talk to your aunt?" I suddenly hear as Daddy comes out of the kitchen. As soon as I see him, I excitedly dash into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask happily as I let go.

"Excuse me, is that even a question?" he asks as he and Nanea go to sit down in the living room "I missed my baby girl." he smiles.

"I missed you too." I sigh "I'm having a hard time making it home without giving myself away." I explain as I gaze out the window at the cloudy sky.

"That's not your fault, don't worry about it too much." he says reassuringly "Besides, it isn't hard for me to go through town incognito and come here."

"Aunt Lily, can you think of any way to cover for me when I want to go see everyone?" I ask worriedly. She seems to think for a moment, resting her fingers on her chin.

"Maybe I can help with that." Brendan states, suddenly coming in from their room down the hall "We already told the girls and Alex that Aurora needed your help with something. We could always say that she wants to train you as one of her sages. They typically start right around your age." he explains. The three of us stare at him in surprise at the idea.

"You came up with that awful fast," Nanea states.

"That's... not a bad idea." Daddy exclaims as he glances back at me "What do you say?" he asks curiously. As I think about it, there's only one question on my mind.

"Would I still be going to school most days?" I ask hopefully.

"I don't see why not." Nanea explains "You could just have 'evening lessons' a few times a week."

"Well, sweetheart, how does that sound?" Daddy asks curiously. I start to feel a weight off my shoulders as I settle into the idea.

"That's perfect," I answer happily. We all sit and talk for a little under an hour before I finally say goodbye and rush to school. Even though I already know everything that we are being taught, I don't want to seem like I'm ditching. Or that I'm avoiding Magnus after yesterday. Oh shit, Magnus. The thought of seeing him is making my spine tingle. Waiting until the end of class is going to be difficult, but hopefully, I'll be able to find the patience. When I finally come into the classroom, everyone stops and stares at me as I rush to my seat. Miss Ashley snaps for everyone to focus as I open my book.

"What happened?" Pearl asks quietly as she leans forward on her desk.

"I'll talk about it later when we have time," I whisper as I try to focus my attention forward.

"Man, you've just got all the interesting stuff going on right now." Pearl scoffs jokingly.

"You have no idea." I sigh as I turn to smile at her.

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