Chapter 72- A Perfect Storm

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"This isn't right," my mother says worriedly "You... you aren't supposed to be like this." she sighs as she gently runs her fingers over my forehead.

"I understand," I sigh, but try to be as comforting as I can "But no one can choose who we are in this world, only what we become," I explain hopefully.

"Sweetie," Magnus begins, slowly approaching us, kneeling beside me "Are you feeling okay?" he asks nervously.

"Tired," I say, rubbing my eyes "Really fucking tired." Suddenly, I feel my nose twitch and realize it has started to bleed "Damnit,"

"What the hell?" Desire says, hopping off the shelf she had been sitting on and coming over "Look," she points at my hand as I wipe my nose. I look down and notice something odd; my blood is black.

"That's... unexpected," I say, studying it.

"Honey, are you sure you're okay?" my father asks, still sounding on edge.

"Like I said, I'm just exhausted." I sigh as Desire hands me a cloth for my nose.

"You say that," Desire begins "but I know that you have a tendency to hide things so people don't worry about you. If you have anything you think we should know, it's okay. You can tell us, we won't judge you." she offers warmly. I think for a moment, trying to find the right words to comfort them, but honestly; I feel content. This feels like it was fated to be, and I suddenly realize that I may have proof.

"I have an honest question for all of you; do you truly believe in destiny?" I ask, looking around the room. Everyone seems hesitant to answer, and I'm surprised by the first to speak up.

"Absolutely." Nixi states confidently "I washed ashore here not once, but twice. Despite not knowing it was where I belonged, I navigated harsh waters to find my home back in the 1600's. Then, in 2020 we were blown into the ocean and magically wound up here again. I don't care what kind of reincarnation ceremony was done, the fact we are drawn back here feels like fate." she explains with determination.

"We somehow always found each other, no matter the circumstance," Roxie adds, starting to smile.

"Despite the plethora of challenges we faced, despite experiencing some heavy losses, we have somehow always come out the other side victorious," Aurora states, looking at Roxie hopefully.

"Even in the darkest of times," my father begins, looking longingly at my mother "we helped each other find our way back into the light." With tears beginning to fill her eyes, she takes his hand.

"Not to break the touchy moment..." Desire cuts in skeptically "But why do you mention fate and destiny all of a sudden?" she asks curiously. I look at her and chuckle for a moment, considering how to explain it.

"Mother," I begin "how did you choose my name?" I ask respectfully. She seems taken aback by the question for a moment, but slouches back, seeming to recall a memory.

"After what I had been through, Umbree had been through, I felt like you had swept me off of my feet." she explains, seeming to ponder it further "I also wanted to combine some of the letters between mine and your father's names at the time, and it fit perfectly," she states, looking to see if I'm satisfied by the answer.

"I agree, it fits perfectly for the reasons you described." I state, glancing down at my palms "But, there's a third part I think you subconsciously thought of without even knowing it." I explain, and she looks puzzled. No one else seems to have caught on, but I wait and give them a chance. As the silence continues, I realize that it's up to me.

"Breeze is a graceful name for wind, but so is another familiar word;" I pause, taking a deep breath, "Gale." As soon as I say the word, my parent's faces grow pale.

"...Are you kidding me right now?" Aurora gasps, combing her hair back with her fingers "That has to be a pure coincidence."

"After everything we've seen in our lives, do you really want to chalk anything like this up to a mere coincidence?" Nixi states, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against a bench, "I think Breeze is right."

"Me too." Desire adds, "As nuts as this seems, you still turned out to be who you're meant to be. There's not an evil bone in that body of yours, and I doubt a couple of hexes and some black blood are going to change that."

"Way to make it sound kinda gross." Magnus states "But she's right, I think this might be a good thing. You look... stronger." he smiles, reaching out to me.

"Thank you," I smile, starting to blush as I take his hand, letting him pull me to my feet "I really need to get some sleep,"

"You should stay with us tonight," my father says worriedly as he gets to his feet.

"No, please," I say, stumbling "I'll be fine, just let me rest, okay?" I ask desperately as Magnus helps me toward the doorway.

"I'll stay with her," Magnus offers as we walk out.

"Thank you, but-" my father tries to interject.

"Arsen, let them go." my mother states, stopping him "She's going to be okay."

We continue walking, but the further we go, I can barely stand. Magnus reaches around me and sweeps me off my feet, carrying me the rest of the way, down the halls and up the stairs until we reach the guards outside my room. Ever since the attack a few days ago, we've had to increase security around our bedrooms. They seem uneasy, almost not letting us through as they see my new appearance, but after I glare at them and nod my head to the side, they understand and let us pass. Walking into the room, Magnus gently lays me on the bed, covering me in a thin blanket as he climbs in beside me. I roll over to look at him, and I'm not surprised that he's staring at me.

"Does... does it look bad?" I ask nervously as he brushes my hair out of my face, running his fingers through the length of it.

"Would you believe me if I told you that you look more beautiful now?" he smiles, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"I think you know I've had a long day and just want me to feel good about myself," I say, trying not to make eye contact.

"Breeze," he says, touching my chin and pushing it back up to meet his gaze "You look like you." he smiles, leaning in to kiss me. I hesitate at first, but the warmth is so inviting, that I sink into it, delving into the passion. As things grow more intense, he rolls over, climbing over me, pinning me down. I can feel his heart beating as his body presses against mine, and soon his lips begin to move from my cheeks to my neck, slowly making their way further south as he helps me remove my dress. Feeling his hands explore every inch of my body makes me feel exhilarated, and my blood is on fire wanting more. The further down he goes, the more desperate I feel, and without realizing it, my hands are in his hair, suddenly gripping his head as he makes his way between my legs. I shutter as I feel him indulge in me, and I can barely contain myself. I've wanted to be intimate with him again for so long, and it has taken so long to finally find an opportunity. Today of all days, my body feels brand new, and now, I'm ready to take it for a ride.

Exhale Inhale- AURORA

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