Chapter 83- The Hopeless and Human

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As I approach Lucius' room, I start to hear arguing coming from down the hall. Carefully, make my way to the door and stay just out of sight, trying to hear what is happening inside. As it turns out, the other person I was hearing was Gaia.

    "I don't care, this isn't up for negotiation." Gaia growls "She killed your sister, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

    "It does, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear me say?" Lucius admits irritatedly "But despite that fact, I think we need to keep Shade here. It's what Gael would have wanted."

    "I hate to break it to you, Luci, but his son is just as guilty of being a piece of shit towards us now." Gaia explains exhaustedly "We aren't going to kill Malakai, but he has a lot of repenting to do before I trust him again."

    "Fine, but I'm not going to let you hurt Shade," Lucius states, holding his ground. Suddenly I hear Gaia groan irritably.

    "What is it with you when it comes to her?" she asks angrily "Gael may have succeeded in connecting with her, but she's still the daughter of Dante and Veronika. If it weren't for you force-feeding her, she would still be fighting you, so why are you so desperate to keep someone who hates you here?"

    "I don't need to defend my decisions to you," Lucius grunts. Suddenly, I hear an echoing slap.

    "Your sister is dead, and despite her husband's rage, they took him out too." Gaia shouts "After everything we've been through, Calista turned against us. That just leaves me, you, and Ember wherever the fuck she ended up."

    "I understand that," he growls.

    "Really? Then what the hell happened to sticking together?" she asks desperately "Have you forgotten where your loyalties lie?"

    "We all have and you know it. The difference is, I did first, and you've resented me ever since." he scoffs.

    "You were the one that took things too far back then," she sighs.

    "You were the one that decided to leave me when I needed guidance out of the dark," he states, his tone shifting, sounding darker "Maybe if you hadn't, things could have been different."

    "Do you really think that's why I left?" she asks, and I can hear the pain in her voice "Seeing what you were turning into was like looking in a cracked mirror. I couldn't help you because I couldn't even help myself. But now..." she sighs.

    "You've left that part of your humanity behind, haven't you?" he asks empathetically "The part of you that remembers how to love someone."

    "I had to." she sighs "You broke my heart, Luci."

    "I'm sorry that I've made you become this." he begins "I had been the same way for centuries, never letting anyone in. But, something changed," he explains, and there's suddenly a pause in the conversation.

    "Are you really talking about her?" Gaia asks, utterly confused "I don't understand, why is she so special to you?"

    "I honestly don't know," he states "But she's awakened a part of me that I thought was long dead, and now, above all else, I want to protect her," he explains.

    "Of all of the people to make you feel human again, it had to be Dante's daughter." she chuckles "Luci, you're a mess, you know that?"

    "And you're a heathen," he laughs "I'm still in, I want our home back. But she stays safe, deal?" he asks, and there's another pause.

    "Fine, I won't touch her and I'll keep Ember in line." Gaia sighs "But, do you truly believe she'll ever love you back?"

    "I can only pray for forgiveness, but I doubt it." he sighs defeatedly "After everything she's been put through on my part, there's no way. But even so, it doesn't change the way I feel about her."

    "You're hopeless, but at least you seem sure of yourself," she explains "Keep her out of trouble, that's my only request. I need to find Ember and work on the next step of the plan."

    "Are you sure she isn't whoring herself around town?" Lucius scoffs.

    "Doubtful, I'm guessing she's keeping a close eye on the Eternals after what happened to Atlas." she explains "I'm sending some of the guards to the temple for recon, I might as well head out with them."

    "Stay safe," Lucius says worriedly, and I hear footsteps heading my way. Carefully, I made it seem like I had just been walking down the hall to the room. As Gaia turns the corner, she seems startled by me.

    "I'm sorry, I was just-" I say calmly, looking at the doorway.

    "Well, don't you look different?" Gaia states, studying my new appearance "Gael would be proud to see you like this."

    "I suppose," I state emotionlessly as I pass her "But he isn't here to see it, is he?" Entering the room, Lucius is sitting on the side of the bed, clearly upset by the conversation with Gaia.

    "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

    "What?" Lucius asks, confused.

    "It's a phrase my mother taught me," I sigh, coming in and standing across from him "What's wrong?" I ask curiously, already knowing the answer.

    "Gaia is intense as always, everything is fine," he states, climbing onto the bed and resting his back on the headboard "Are you alright after being downstairs?"

    "Am I allowed not to be?" I ask, cocking my head to the side. He seems guilty as he looks at me.

    "Speaking of which," he sighs, pulling a small knife from his end table and slicing it into his palm "Gaia agreed not to harm you so long as you don't cause any problems." Nervous, I freeze in place, knowing what he wants me to do.

    "Lucius please, you don't have to do this." I plead, tears welling up in my eyes "I won't disobey you, I won't try to leave, just let me have my mind back."

    "I'm sorry," he sighs as he looks at me longingly "But I can't trust you just yet, there's too much at stake. Now, come here," he asks, and I feel myself stepping forward, climbing onto the bed beside him. I look desperately into his eyes as he holds his hand to my mouth, and as he covers it, I close my eyes, drinking the thick, warm blood, feeling it seep into my throat. The calming feeling starts to wash over me again, and I realize that he's holding me as I rest my head on his chest.

"Don't be afraid sweetheart, it's okay," he says calmly. I try to fight it, I try to care about what is happening to me, but it's overwhelming on my mind and I bring myself to the point of exhaustion. As he takes his hand away, I can barely keep my eyes open, and I feel myself start to fall into a deep sleep.

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