Chapter 89- Sedation

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My heart is pounding as I sit before him, preparing myself for whatever is to come. Despite us talking loudly, he has been unresponsive, proving that what they've told me is true; he's locked himself away.

"Wait," Roxie interjects "What if there are traces of his blood still in her system?" she asks, concerned.

"Right," Calista says, hopping down from the bench and kneeling beside me "Give me something sharp." Quickly, Roxie produces a knife and passes it over, and Calista takes my hand, piercing my finger.

"Ow," I say, wincing as she suddenly pulls it to her lips, sucking the blood out "What are you-"

"She's clean," she mutters, spitting my black blood on the floor.

"How can you tell?" my mom asks inquisitively.

"I've had my taste of his blood over the years thanks to his elixirs, it's got a certain... essence to it," she explains thoughtfully.

"Gross." Roxie scoffs, but I can tell she's trying to hide the fact that she's intrigued "Alright, Breeze, are you ready?" she asks nervously. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes before letting it go.

"It's time," I say, and just before I can reach out, we hear shouting down the hall.

"Where the hell are they?" I hear my father scream.

"Shit," my mother says frantically as she runs down the hall "Close the door!"

"Arsen!" I hear Kai's voice "Please, just listen to me for two seconds!" As we hear them get closer, Roxie rushes to the end of the hall, but it's too late.

"Breeze, what the fuck are you doing!" he shouts angrily, trying to push through, but Roxie stands in the way.

"Brother, back off," she commands, and I can hear the fire in her voice.

"You're not letting my daughter go inside his head, what are you thinking?" he shouts desperately, looking at my mother "Veronika, how are you okay with this?"

"She's not a kid anymore and I agree that this is what needs to be done," she states firmly, holding her ground.

"Nika," he pleads, looking down the hall at me as I stand up "Breeze, please, this is suicide!"

"This is her decision!" Kai interjects.

"Daddy, he's not Gael," I say defensively, making my way down the hall.

"Who do you think turned Gael into a monster?" he shouts desperately "I'm not going to let you do this!"

"Dante!" Roxie exclaims sternly "You can either stay here and wait with us, or I'm kicking you out, your choice."

"You can't be serious." he scoffs, trying to push through, but they are at equal odds.

"That's enough, both of you!" my mother shouts, trying to help Kai separate them.

"Mom, stop," I say calmly, making my way to them. I can see the terror in my father's eyes as he looks at me, it's all too familiar; there's no way he'll ever let me go. Tears filling my eyes, I pull myself into his chest, hugging him tightly.

"I can't bear the thought of losing you." he cries as I feel his hold me.

"I promise you won't," I sniffle as I start to focus my energy, quickly forcing it to surround us.


"I love you, Daddy." I cry, and he falls to the ground, unconscious. As the cloud disappears, I step back, looking at what I have done in shame, but I know in my heart it was for the better. When I glance at the others, they are all in shock.

"...Are you okay?" my mother asks as she slowly approaches me, reaching out, but I back away.

"No," I say emotionlessly "But we don't have time for that right now." I sigh, stepping over him and making my way back to Lucius.

"We'll keep an eye on things here, take my brother, and stay locked out until this is over." Roxie sighs, and my mom nods.

"Good luck, sweetie," she says nervously, and I can see the tears in her eyes.

"It's going to be okay," I say reassuringly, but I'm only trying my best. As she and Kai drag my father's body out, Roxie seals the door behind them, leaving the three of us alone to finish what we started.

"Okay," Calista sighs exhaustedly, "Are you sure you're still up for this?" she asks anxiously.

"I doubt it," I chuckle, wiping my tears as I sit back down "But the worst is always yet to come, so we might as well face it, right?" I explain, holding my hands out, feeling my energy begin to build.

"Good luck, little warrior," Roxie says hopefully.

"No matter what he shows you, don't forget why you're there," Calista states firmly.

"I won't." I nod in agreement, closing my eyes. As I feel his presence, it's like I can feel his blood moving through his veins, pulsing as it reaches his heart. Before I know it, the feeling consumes me.

Swan Upon Leda- Hozier

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