Chapter 9

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Mason's POV

"Hey. Do you want to hang out with me today?" Greyson, my papa's younger brother, and my best friend, asks when we exit the school.

"Sure. What do you want to do?" I ask.

"I was thinking about having a run. Is that fine with you?" He asks, and I nod.

We drive to the pack lands in our own cars, and we meet there a few minutes later.

Then we shift, and he runs as fast as he can, while I try to catch up, although he's not an Alpha, he has some Alpha genes, and it allows him to run a lot faster than I will ever be able to.

Sometimes I let myself wonder about my biological family, all I know is that my mother was killed by a rouge, just outside the pack lands, and I somehow managed to get into the pack lands, and I have stumbled across Timmy, and Carter that were having a walk, on Timmy's birthday.

That happened when I was about two, and this year I should have my sixteenth birthday, so it was around fourteen years ago.

I wonder who my parents were, or if I had some siblings, and what my life would be like, if I was living with them.

But then I remember that I have a great family, that I wouldn't trade for anything, and I force myself to stop wondering about those things.

"You're slow as hell, Mason." Greyson says mockingly, through the mind link.

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't have any Alpha genes." I respond sarcastically.

"Is everything fine in the family? I wasn't there in a while. Any new kids?" He asks.

"No new kids, thankfully, but Oliver just got his heat, and let me tell you, he wasn't happy about it at all." I tell him, remembering the past weekend.

"That bad?" He asks.

"You don't even want to know." I say, before shaking my head.

"Hey, I almost forgot to tell you that I saw the man that lives in that house near the pack border, when I was on a run a few days ago." He says.

"I wonder who that is. Do you know anything about it?" I ask.

"Nah, I remember that my parents and I went on some long vacations, and when we got back, the house was already there.

I asked Carter about it a lot of times, but he didn't want to tell me." He explains, and I nod, I have asked papa a lot of times too, and I never go the answer.

"I wonder if we will ever know." He says.

"I bet that the man that lives there did something bad, and he most likely hates to be locked, so they decided to lock him in a house for years as a punishment." He says.

"And they would have built a house for him?" I ask, not convinced.

"Who knows." He says, before shrugging his shoulders.

A few minutes later, we decide to start to run again.

We run for few more minutes, before we decide to go back to our houses since it's starting to get dark.

I didn't realise that we were here for so long.

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