Chapter 25

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Mason's POV

Doctor Zack walks out of his office, and he rolls his eyes when he sees that it's us.

"What can I help you with?" He asks curiously.

"Just check if Timmy is pregnant, so we can go back to sleep." Carter says.

"He probably is, I don't think you ever walked out of here without the ultrasound pictures after asking me to check if he's pregnant." Doctor Zack asks.

"No one cares." Carter responds, clearly annoyed.

"Lie down." Doctor Zack tells Timmy, after we enter one of the rooms.

Timmy does as he was told, already knowing to take his shirt off.

Doctor Zack pours the gel on his stomach, as he did when he was checking if I have a womb a while ago, and Timmy turns to smile at Carter.

"I didn't shiver." He says happily.

"Thats great baby." Carter responds, clearly amused.

"Alright, let's see if there's a kid inside of you... Again." Doctor Zack says, faking boredom, but I can see that he's more excites about us having a kid, than all three of us together.

He looks at the screen, and a few seconds later he congratulates us, making Carter and Timmy groan.

I don't know how I feel about having a child already, since I'm very young, but the truth is that most werewolves have kids almost as soon as they meet their mates, so it's nothing new.

"Is Mason your mate too?" Doctor Zack asks, and that makes me realise that he doesn't know yet.

"Yes, but don't tell anyone for now." Carter orders.

Doctor Zack nods in agreement, and he goes out of the room for a few moments, before he comes back with the pictures of a dop.

"That's a cute little dop." I say, and Carter laughs loudly.

"Alright let's go, I want to go back to sleep." Timmy says, after he has his shirt on again.

"Yeah, let's go, thanks Zack." Carter says, and I thank the Doctor too, before we go back to our house.

"We will have to tell everyone soon." I say, making them both turn their heads to look at me.

"Yeah, we will tell the kids today, and the pack can wait for a bit longer." Carter says, and I nod in agreement.

"I think I should be your kids' friend." I say, and Carter looks at me with arched eyebrow, waiting for me to explain.

"I won't feel comfortable if I will still be considered their brother, now that we are mates, and I don't want to be their stepdad since half of them are my age, so that would be weird." I say.

"Yeah, I think that will be alright with everyone." Carter agrees.

"I think so too." Timmy agrees.

"Alright, I want some more sleep." I say, as we enter our home.

"Yeah, come on we have to rest so we have enough energy to answer another million questions." Carter says.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant again." Timmy says with a groan.

"You got him pregnant already?" Denver asks, so we turn our head in the direction of his voice, and we see Denver sitting on the couch, he has a smirk on his face.

Next to him sits Tyler with a disgusted expression, and on Tyler's other side sits Oliver who has wide eyes.

Great, so we won't be getting any more sleep after all.

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