Chapter 23

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Mason's POV

I sigh loudly, and I lean back against the couch, letting Carter explain it to him.

Carter sniffs the air to make sure that no one else will hear this conversation, before he answering Tyler's question.

"We are mates, we found out recently." Carter says, and in this moment, I realise that I actually know my exact date of birth, not just a year that I was born in.

"You're mates?" He repeats, trying to take in this information.

"And Timmy? Does he know?" Tyler asks.

"All there of us are mates." Carter explains.

"Goddess, this is messed up." He says. "You're his parents." He says, as if we didn't know that already.

"It is what it is." I say.

"And you all just accepted it already?" He asks, stunned.

"We didn't have much of a choice." Carter says.

"So now what? You will have more kids, or what should I expect? Is Mason still my brother, or is he now my father?" He asks, and Carter takes a moment to think about the answers, that he still doesn't know.

"Goddess, I need the answers." Tyler says, overreacting.

"Calm down. Do you think we already have all the answers you want?" I ask, slightly annoyed at his behaviour.

"Sorry, it's just a lot of information to take in. Does anyone else know?" He asks.

"Denver suspects, but we haven't confirmed it yet." I say.

"Good. Are you planning to tell everyone, or are you keeping it quiet for a while." He asks.

"We will tell everyone when we see fit." I say, and Carter nods in agreement.

"Yeah, so please don't tell anyone about it for now. Okay?" Timmy asks, as he walks past him to sit between me and Carter.

"Fine." Tyler responds. "I will be going out, I just wanted to let you know, and then you have thrown all of this information on me." He tells us, and then he walks out of the living room.

Not long after that, Tyler opens and closes the front door, signalling that he's finally gone.

I hate to be asked a lot of questions at once.

"I heard too." Denver says, and he comes closer to stand where Tyler stood just moments ago, with a stupid smirk a on his face.

I run toward him, hoping to get it off of his face, but he runs off as soon as he notices, and there is no way that I will ever catch up to him, so I don't even try.

I go back to the couch, and I sit in my previous spot.

"Thanks goddess the smell is gone." I say gratefully.

"Not for long, whatever he did, it just stops the heat from coming out of him, but it doesn't stop the smell, not for long at least." Carter informs me, and I groan loudly.

"Don't worry I will take care of it." Carter says, looking at me with a smirk.

"How will that even work, will we take turns or what?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, we will have to take turns, I guess." He says, with a shrug.

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