Chapter 44

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Mason's POV

We sit in the living room quietly, watching the baby that I have passed to Carter after Timmy made a bottle of milk.

"Do you know who beat him up?" Carter says, breaking the silence.

"I don't know their names, but I will recognise them, and all seven of them have broken noses, so they either went to the Doctor, so he will be able to tell us their names, or we will know that it was them when we look at their noses." I say, smirking a little when Carter looks at me with a slightly disapproving expression, but I can see a little pride too.

"Should I leave Oliver with them the next time?" I ask with an arched eyebrow.

"Of course not, I just can't stand the fact that my pack members are hurting each other. I really don't know what to do with the young bastards." He complains.

"Lock them up in the cellars, few people that are their age already were there." I say.

"Yeah, and that few people are my kids, I don't think locking up the young werewolves is a good idea." He says.

"You didn't seem to think so when you locked up Denver." I remind.

"I didn't lock Denver up, the guards did, I just refused to get him out of there." He explains.

"Whatever." I tell him, before I look down at my laps where Timmy's head rests.

I didn't realise that he had fallen asleep, it seems that he still isn't feeling very good.

I reach my hand, and I pet his head, playing with his hair for a while.

"This kid is making him very tired, I swear I can already see that Hugh will be a trouble." He says, while looking at Timmy with a smile.

"Yeah, he still seems tired." I say.

"He will get better, the birth takes a lot out of an Omega, and he was hiding it from us this time, so it probably took a greater effort, and now he has to suffer the consequences." He explains.

"You should let him give birth where he wants to the next time, so we can prevent something like this happening again, you already have a lot of kids, and two of them are perfectly capable of beaming Alphas, even Denver might pass the Alpha ceremony if you let him. " I tell him.

"I don't want to risk anything, if we are sure that the kid is yours, then we can do this, but what if none of the kids that I already have will pass the Alpha ceremony, and the future kids won't be eligible because of the same reason as Denver.

"I really think that Denver will pass it." I say honesty.

"It would be against the laws of the Moon Goddess." He tells me, shaking his head in disagreement.

"She can change her own laws if she wishes, and I doubt the she will leave an Alpha without any heir, since it never happened before, and it seems important for her to keep the bloodlines.

So, I doubt that both Tyler and Reggie will be not good enough, and if they are, then she will probably do something, so one of the others can take the position." I explain, and he sight, not knowing what to think about it.

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