Chapter 5

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The next day, I headed to work as usual, however, as I arrived guards were already there with my boss. "here she is" he proudly spoke. The guard that I had originally handcuffed me was there, I panicked thinking I was under arrest again. "It's okay" the guard reassured. "You have been invited to the palace" he spoke. I frowned inwardly. "Now?" I asked. 

The guard nodded his head. I was thinking it was Lily or someone messing around, "Can't it wait, I have work?" I inquired.

My boss gleamed, "No, don't worry about work, the King has invited you himself", I don't think I had ever seen his boss like this. As the King had summoned me, that meant I had to go straight away. I entered the cart that they had waiting for me and was on my way to the Castle.

 Once at the castle, I was led down large halls with beautiful architecture, old paintings, and statues, before arriving at some large doors, I had assumed this was almost like an office for the King as I was led in.

They had me wait there whilst we waited for the King to arrive, I sat very still as he came in with his guards. The whole elven council was there also which meant this was serious. Trailing behind them was Princess Lily, she knew what I was here about.

They sat opposite me and the guards stood at the back of the room, Lily was very quiet whereas the King was poles apart from how he had been before. Tea was served to us by their servers. "Good morning, I invited you here today because it has become apparent by my guards, the people of this kingdom, and also my insistent daughter, that you saved her life and therefore are far more deserving of the chance to train to accompany my daughter on her expeditions.

Taking out a gnoll is no easy feat and I am forever grateful for what you have done for us", I looked over at Lily as he said this but she refused to meet my eye, I was no warrior, I enjoyed a quiet life away from all of this and couldn't understand what I had done to deserve this. 

I thought about my response before replying, "I can assure you, I am no guard or warrior, it was a lucky shot with that knife". I was hoping to kindly let him down and show that I was not fit for this, most others would jump at the chance, but I was quite happy with my lot. "I disagree, I think you are the perfect person for it, you are used to exploring by yourself, and that in itself is brave and noble". He looked at the council to allow them to give their input. 

One of the elders rose, "we are in strange times, change is coming, I agree with his majesty, yes you are a low elf and it will not go down well for some, but on the other hand, your background shows your curiosity and interest in nature and plants which is very valuable" he spoke wisely.

Another elf stood up after him, "I disagree about this your majesty, it is true there will be an uproar by some, she is, after all, a lowly elf, there are plenty of others who would be suited for this role and she simply does not fit into this lifestyle, it is wrong", he was not wrong but he was not right either. 

 A few more elves from the council spoke, some agreeing and some not, the King decided to hold a vote. "All those in favor of this, raise your hand" He held his hand up first, a lot of the elves held their hand up, but it was a tight vote. I had hung my head after some of the elves had started disagreeing, yes I did not want this but it was humiliating to hear them call me a low elf over and over again. "There it is settled, 12 votes to 9, my daughter will train you herself, and once your training is complete, we will know whether you are ready or not". After this, he stood up to leave.

 The princess looked just as shocked as I was. "But father, the head guard can train her" she insisted, for some reason not wanting to train me. Her father held his hand out in a stop motion, "It is settled, you will train her, maybe then you will have someone who can keep up with your dangerous outings". Lily was not happy but what she hated the most was how they had talked about Gabi as though she wasn't there, they had now planned Gabi's life out for her with no other choice. It was fine when they did that with Lily's life she was born into it and had no choice but not Gabi.

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