Chapter 16

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Feeling a sense of puzzlement and uncertainty, me and Lily decided to return to the elven kingdom. The journey back was filled with contemplative silence, the rustling leaves and soft whispers of the forest seeming to echo the lingering questions in our minds.

As we entered the city gates, the bustling life of the elven realm surrounded us—merchants, artisans, and fellow elves going about their daily activities.

We were still perplexed by the proximity of the orcs to their kingdom.

The kingdom had always been protected by the enchanted woods and the vigilant elven guards, and the sudden appearance of orcs posed an unprecedented challenge.

Rumors circulated among the elven citizens, and concern painted the faces of those who had heard of the recent events. The unity of the elven realm, once unshaken, now faced an unexpected test.

Princess Lily, determined to unravel the mystery, convened with the elven generals to strengthen the kingdom's defenses. I was equally committed to protecting our home, joined the efforts to bolster the magical wards that shielded the kingdom from external threats.

As the days passed, the elven kingdom braced itself for potential turmoil. The atmosphere, once filled with the harmonious melodies of the enchanted woods, now carried an undercurrent of tension. Gabi and Lily, still bound by the unspoken connection forged during their adventures, worked tirelessly to safeguard their realm.

The mystery of the orcs and the disturbance in the enchanted woods remained unsolved, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the elven kingdom. In the heart of the citadel, beneath the ancient trees and within the council chambers, plans were made to fortify the realm against any potential threat, and the elves remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Princess Lily knew she would have to attend a meeting with the Elven Council, so she escorted me to a guest chamber within the palace. The room, adorned with intricate elven craftsmanship, exuded an air of tranquility that provided a stark contrast to the unsettling events that had unfolded in the enchanted woods.

"Rest here, Gabi," Lily said, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. "I must brief the council on what transpired, and we need to ensure the safety of our kingdom. I'll return as soon as I can."

I nodded, appreciating both the hospitality and the gravity of the situation. "Okay, I'll be here when you return."

With a lingering glance, Lily left the room, and I found myself alone in the peaceful surroundings of the palace. The elven architecture, adorned with ethereal motifs and bathed in soft moonlight, created a serene atmosphere that momentarily eased the weight of the mysteries we faced.

I took a moment to absorb the surroundings, the elegant furnishings and the subtle glow of elven enchantments imbuing the room with a sense of comfort. As I settled into the guest chamber, I couldn't shake the events of the day from my thoughts. The encounter with the orcs, the enigmatic altar in the enchanted woods, and the overarching sense of uncertainty left my mind abuzz with questions.

As I started to fall asleep, my thoughts drifted to Princess Lily, who bore the weight of responsibility for their people.

Princess Lily entered the council chambers, where the Elders and generals had assembled to discuss the recent disturbances.

Elder Arion, the Head of the Elven Council, looked up as Lily entered. "Princess Lily, we await your report on the events in the enchanted woods. The safety of our kingdom is of paramount importance."

Lily, with a discerning gaze, nodded in agreement but remained cautious. She recalled the incident when Gabi had been pitted against a goblin by some council members—an event that had almost cost Gabi her life.

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