Chapter 6

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We made it to the training ground where others were training, they only took notice of the Princess saying hello and ignored me as I entered. I had guessed that news had traveled of the low elf, most did not want me there nor thought I deserved to be. Lily too had noticed how people were treating me and did not like it. 

Fortunately, I knew a little more than others realised due to the fact that I had grown up having to protect myself from elves that did not take too kindly to me. Lily came to a halt next to a mat, "okay, we aren't going to start with weapons, it's going to be back to the basics" she explained and if I were to admit it, that makes sense. She started showing me so basic moves and told me this type of combat is almost like dancing, or learning a routine. I had to learn these moves over and over. "You aren't doing it right" she groaned. "I've been doing it for hours", I replied. 

Lily huffed and came and stood behind me, grabbing my waist and positioning me the way she wanted me, "your hips need to be rotated like this" she whispered in my ear from behind. This turned my cheeks pink until I remembered I was training with an obnoxious self-entitled elf. 

We carried on like this learning more of the basics for the rest of the week, we hardly spoke to each other unless it was to do with the training, she never asked any questions about me nor I about her. I had been meaning to give the money back but had not found the right time yet.

Saturday came around which meant training in the morning, I still hadn't made any friends either there and I was starting to miss Kira and Avy. Lily was getting frustrated at my slow progress, "it's going to take a thousand moons before you will ever be ready" She rolled her eyes. 

I kept my face neutral, I had told myself I would not take the bait when she said things like that to me. "Princess" another guard who was training called over to her. He was very tall, handsome, and noble looking. "We are going to the market are you coming?" he asked her. I had assumed she would only go when she had to but clearly, she went more than once a month. 

They still did not like me being there and had clearly not invited me so I was surprised when Lily spoke next, "Are you coming Gabi?" she asked me sincerely. "No, it's okay" I looked between her and the guard that invited her who clearly didn't want me to join them. "I'm going to find my friends", I smiled, but something told me she was a bit disappointed I didn't accept her offer. She nodded her head and walked away.

After I left the castle I went off to find Gabi and Kira, they gave me a big hug, it felt like forever since I had seen them, I was so used to seeing them every day. "How's training going?" was the first thing they wanted to know, for them it was very exciting. "It's not good, I suck", I pouted.

 We stuck together for once and didn't go off on our own as we looked around. I was still in my training outfit as I had come straight from training, an elf above me who wanted to mess with me came hurtling over towards me. "Let's see how good you are then" A crowd surrounded us not allowing me to leave. "leave her alone" my friends shouted but it was too late. The elf shoved me and hit my shoulder trying to get me to fight back.

Other elves were chanting, I didn't know what to do but protect myself. He came lunging towards me which I was able to dodge, but he swiftly turned around quicker than I was expecting and hit me right in the face. He tried to get me onto the floor but I resisted, we were scrapping, grabbing at each other. 

My mistake came in thinking I could get him on the ground, as I tried to trip him up, he punched me in the stomach causing me to let go, he hit me again and again until I fell to the floor, and he pinned me down on the floor and all I could think of was that I was not good enough. "Hard to believe you took down a gnoll, elf scum" he spat. 

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