Chapter 11

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I turned to confront the firmly sealed door, drawing in a deep breath and concentrating solely on what lay beyond it. The door ascended gradually, initially revealing nothing nothing happened until the door was up, and for a fleeting moment, I entertained the notion that the arena was empty.

How wrong I was. My assumption couldn't have been more mistaken. A colossal goblin materialized with a resounding thud, its posture hunched, and its eyes resembling large, round beads, presenting a repugnant spectacle, it was a foul sight.

It was then that I knew I had been sentenced to death, it became unmistakably clear to me that I had been condemned to meet my demise.

The entire assembly let out a collective gasp upon witnessing the grotesque creature. Goblins, notoriously formidable adversaries, posed a significant challenge, especially for someone as newly trained as I. It led me to believe that my impending demise had been orchestrated by someone with a death wish. Someone wanted me dead.

Lily directed a disapproving gaze at her father, uttering, "how could you?" she was disgusted by him. Lily knew that even the most skilled fighters would struggle, and she found herself pondering how they had managed to capture this loathsome beast. The King turned to his daughter, "I had no part in this; it was decided by the council", he confirmed.

The Princess was far from pleased with this response. "She doesn't need this absurd trial to demonstrate her readiness," she retorted vehemently. Her father, the King, appeared helpless, stating, "My hands are tied," as he was unable to intervene. Lily found it almost unbearable to watch.

The monstrous goblin, upon spotting me, immediately charged in my direction, brandishing its sword with lethal intent. I carefully anticipated its every move, strategizing how to weaken it while skillfully evading its menacing swings. The goblin towered over me, especially now that it had closed the distance. Swiftly, I ducked to evade its initial strike and managed to inflict a deep cut on its leg as I swiftly maneuvered past it.

The goblin's fury intensified, and an eerie silence enveloped the crowd. The council members observed the confrontation with bated breath. I continued to evade the goblin's attacks, employing a combination of jumps, ducks, and rolls. I managed to land a few more cuts on the creature, but they were not enough to significantly weaken it.

Our swordfight erupted into a frenetic exchange, a skill I had honed through rigorous training. I summoned every ounce of strength within me and swung my sword with unwavering determination, striking the goblin's weapon with such force that it was sent clattering to the ground. In that fleeting moment, victory seemed tantalizingly close.

I seized the opportunity, closing the distance between us with a determined step. My blade darted forward, finding its mark as it jabbed into the goblin's side, causing it to emit a guttural howl of pain. Yet, as my sword pierced its flesh, the goblin's iron grip clamped down on the hilt, thwarting my efforts to withdraw it for a finishing blow.

Desperation surged through me as I grappled with the recalcitrant sword. My fingers strained against the goblin's unyielding grasp, but it was unrelenting.

Suddenly, with a display of unearthly strength, the goblin seized me by my throat, hoisting me off the ground with an eerie ease. My gasps for breath went unheeded as I dangled helplessly in the air.

With a malevolent grin, the goblin yanked my sword free from its side, holding it menacingly aloft, its blade gleaming ominously in the arena's harsh light. The crowd watched in stunned silence as the goblin poised itself to deliver a potentially fatal blow, the outcome of our harrowing duel hanging in the balance.

Something hit the goblin's leg making it let go of me, I fell to the floor gasping for air, I got up quickly to go and reach for my sword realising it was Lily who had thrown a dagger at his leg, she was now in the arena fighting the goblin, I had tuned out the crowd and had not even realised they were chanting.

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