Chapter 22

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Princess Lily and King Cyran sat in the war room, deep in discussion about how to uncover the traitor who had betrayed the kingdom. After careful consideration, they decided to concoct a plan to disseminate false information through channels they suspected the traitor might have access to. This misinformation would imply a vulnerability that the kingdom intended to exploit, something only the traitor could know.

"We need to act quickly and decisively," King Cyran declared, his voice firm.

Lily nodded in agreement. "Yes, Father. If we're to root out the traitor, we must be strategic."

King Cyran leaned forward, his expression serious. "We will fabricate a scenario that suggests the kingdom's defenses are weakened along the northern border. We'll make it seem as if the majority of our forces are focused on the southern border, leaving the north vulnerable to attack."

Princess Lily's eyes widened with understanding. "Yes, that should lure the traitor out into the open. They will be compelled to act, and then we'll know who they are."

"Exactly," King Cyran confirmed. "We'll spread the false information through channels that we suspect the traitor has access to, and then we'll closely monitor the reactions of all individuals suspected of treachery. We will observe any unusual behavior, such as attempts to communicate secretly or sudden absences."

Princess Lily nodded, her resolve unwavering. "We'll create a false scenario that's too tempting for the traitor to resist."

King Cyran clasped his daughter's hand. "We will catch the traitor, Lily. Together, we will ensure the safety and security of our kingdom."

With their plan in place, Princess Lily and King Cyran set to work, determined to reveal the traitor and bring them to justice. The fate of the kingdom rested on their ability to identify and interpret the reactions of the suspected individuals.

They were going to have all of the councillors followed immediately after giving the false news.

Meanwhile Gabi was up and alert ready to find the Orcs and Goblins as they searched the forest and surrounding areas for an sign of the warped beasts.

The stillness shattered as the forest erupted into chaos. Orcs and goblins emerged. I drew my sword, adrenaline surging through my veins as we braced for battle.

The clash of steel rang out in the darkness as we fought tooth and nail against our adversaries. My muscles burned with exertion, every movement fueled by a fierce determination to protect my comrades and our land.

But the enemy was relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. I found myself backed against a towering tree, surrounded on all sides by snarling foes. Fear gnawed at the edges of my mind, but I refused to surrender.

With a rallying cry, I surged forward, driving back the tide of orcs and goblins with every strike. Beside me, my companions fought with a ferocity that matched my own, their courage unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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