Chapter 17

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King Cyran, under the pressure of the council, decided to take a drastic step by initiating diplomatic talks with an unlikely ally—the elven enemy king from a neighboring realm. The prospect of an alliance with this kingdom, though unexpected, was seen as a strategic move to fortify the realm's position and safeguard its people. 

As the negotiations progressed, the terms of the alliance included a marriage proposal between Princess Lily and the heir to the enemy king's throne.

I was unaware of the political intricacies and the unfolding drama, and continued my duties elsewhere in the palace. The atmosphere, however, became charged with tension, and whispers of discontent echoed through the corridors.

As the elven enemy king, from the neighboring realm, arrived for further negotiations, the palace became a focal point of conflicting interests. I found myself caught in the crossfire of political machinations, torn between my duty to the kingdom and my desire for personal agency.

Sensing the growing unrest but unaware of the specifics, I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to happen. The once harmonious palace now seemed fraught with uncertainty.

I unwillingly found myself reassigned to a position that would test my resilience. The kingdom, facing increasing threats from orcs and goblins spotted near the borders, deemed it necessary to bolster its defenses. As a result, I was appointed to a specialized unit responsible for monitoring and protecting the kingdom's outskirts.

Assigned to the perilous borderlands, where the lush Elven realm met the wild territories fraught with danger, I faced a heightened state of alert. Reports of orc sightings had increased, suggesting a potential threat to the kingdom's safety. The once serene landscapes now echoed with the tension of an imminent confrontation.

The rugged terrain became my domain, and I navigated it with the precision of a seasoned warrior. Each rustle in the foliage, every distant sound, heightened my senses as I vigilantly scanned the horizon for signs of orcish presence. The ever-present threat cast a shadow over the borderlands, and the air crackled with the anticipation of potential conflict. I was worried for the Princess who now seemed beyond reach from me. I had called in to see the Princess at her house before she left for the border, but there was no sign of her.

As I patrolled the borders, the encounters with orcs became more frequent and intense. After a prolonged and challenging patrol along the dangerous borderlands, I returned to my house, a modest abode nestled within the heart of the Elven realm. Exhaustion clung to me like a second skin, and the weight of responsibility bore heavily on my shoulders. As I approached my house, I realised how much I had missed the familiar faces of my friends, Avy and Kira, greeted me with smiles that momentarily eased the burdens I carried.

"Welcome back, Gabi!" Avy exclaimed, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Kira added, "You look worn out. How has it been at the borders?"

I offered a weary smile, appreciating the warmth of my friends' presence. "It's been challenging, but we're managing. The orcs have been more persistent lately."

Avy sadly smiled, "I can't believe they moved you to the border" she exclaimed.

I met Avy's eyes, feeling the weight of her sympathy. I sighed, my thoughts momentarily drifting into the complexities of my new assignment. "I know," I admitted, my gaze fixed on a point in the distance. "I've thought about leaving altogether."

A heavy silence settled in the room as Gabi's words hung in the air. The weight of my admission reverberated among the friends, each grappling with the implications of the decision that loomed before them.

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