Chapter 2 - An Apple A Day

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A/N: A few extra things I should mention, I am following loosely with the pace of the anime. I also know that as far as timescales I could be way off, please bare with me. If there's something I've written that doesn't seem right please let me know, I'm looking to improve! I hope you enjoy!

No sound except for birds chirping made the day very relaxing. The water glistened as the sun beamed down, covering everything in a vibrant, bright glow. The leader of the demon slayer corps, Ubuyashiki, walked along with his wife, a blissful smile on his face. They were heading home after a smooth stroll, although he could barely see, the warmth of the sun felt like the supportive hug he needed. And when they were finally home, they were made aware of a request from someone to speak with them. When asking for details, the explanation was rather unusual. The person who had requested to be within his presence was not a demon slayer, yet severely wounded from a demon. This person was also carrying a nichirin sword, yet wasn't from Japan. He knew where this warrior was from. He dreaded to think about what would have happened to cause her to end up here, and in such a mess too. "Well, let her see me."

Within moments of him giving the permission the wounded girl appeared. Not that he could see her all that well, but he could tell from memory at the least. He remembered their ally from another land, begging for help and to help his daughter. At the time the situation for demons had gotten very bad, severely so. But as much as he wanted to, sending members of the demon slayer corps wasn't possible. For they too had a lot going on at the time. He had given the okay to supply more weapons to the small town, but that was all he could afford at the time. It seemed that even when it relaxed here a tiny bit, that town still suffered. They never asked for help since that day, he was never to know how much they truly suffered. Until now. He could sense a hashira with her too, the one he had only recently promoted. He smiled, it was nice to have a flame hashira again.

"You should bow." From those words alone he could tell that the hashira had already began bowing. He chuckled, assuming the woman hadn't yet.

"There will be no need, may I ask, what is your name, my child?" His voice was effortlessly gentle, soft and welcoming in. Y/N felt herself relax, and here she thought she would have been afraid. It seemed as though the demon slayer corps leader aimed to have the opposite effect that demons had. She spoke her name as softly as she could, with confidence and a tone like she was talking to a new friend. The respect for him came naturally to her. "Ah, yes, from c/n. How are things there?" He dreaded to ask, but he must know. It was important.

"Not well, the town was destroyed. No one survived except for me." Her tone became more cold as mourning took over. She had been the strongest in her home, yet she couldn't save anyone. Why was that? "That is why I am here." Y/N took a breath. She had come here to grow stronger, but now that she was actually applying, she felt nervous for some reason.

"I wish to join the demon slayer corps." She wished to omit her reasons, although it was obvious what they were. She wasn't sure how to even make it through, or what the requirements would be.

"Well that is wonderful, I see great potential within you!" The woman's eyes widened at that point. Was it really that easy? "But you will need to prove yourself by committing to our 'right of passage' so to speak, Final Selection." As he explained what it was, her confidence increased. It seemed simple enough, to survive a week trapped with demons. She had been dealing with them her whole life. "Now this may all sound exciting, but I strongly recommend you wait until you are fully healed."

Newfound hope reached her as she felt her tired body revitalise itself. She was sure, even with her weakened frame, that she'd be able to survive seven days with "entry-level" demons. It couldn't be that hard. With an energetic thank you, and permission to leave, the girl sped off with the hashira following. Leaving their leader with a soft smile, yet he felt despair over the lives lost.

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