Chapter 10 - Ruins

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There wasn't much to pack, as y/n didn't really even have anything. Senjuro insisted that she take something to carry stuff in regardless, as he would be giving them food to snack on for the first day of her journey. Based on a few theories, she was given permission. Her concern however lasted with her dog, he couldn't come with her. Not that she wouldn't take him if she could, it would just be hard to make him travel so far. Senjuro had insisted he'd be happy to take care of the pet while y/n was away, admitting he had ways of keeping him hidden from his father. He rarely left the room anyway, Kyokai knew when to be quiet.

So she stood at the harbour she came from originally, staring at the boat that would take her to her destination.

"So, when do we board?" A loud voice called from behind her, his voice making her jump. She was so lost in her thoughts of what would happen when she got there that she didn't even notice his presence until he spoke.

"You...are actually coming with me?" Somehow, y/n figured he wouldn't be able to join her. He was a hashira after all and she was fully prepared to go through this trip on her own.

"Of course, I said I would!" He beamed, the happy expression never fading. She started to wonder if his happy demeanor was a facade..."I was also ordered to accompany you as a hashira, the danger there would be extremely high. Every demon slayer in the corps is extremely valuable after all!"

Y/N thought about what to say, not expecting the support of a hashira. Although it made sense to send someone so powerful to a town decimated by demons, the corps never really cared before. Why now? Her thoughts were interrupted as a sailor called from the boat, it was time.

"Let's go! Senjuro brought snacks!" He wandered ahead of her, that was when she noticed two large bags of food in his hands. No way was Senjuro able to make that much food on his own, he'd need the help of at least three more people. Or maybe, Kyojuro just bought that much food? Knowing his appetite, it would be gone within a day... Noticing that she hadn't followed he gave her a wave, calling her over with his overjoyed expression.

About half an hour into their journey, the sea air felt refreshing. But nerves were clawing away at y/n as she looked to the water below. What would she see when she got to her village?

"I have never been at sea before!" Kyojuro declared from beside her, confidence pouring from every word. "I feel sick!" He laughed afterwards. Y/N wasn't sure how to respond to his proud tone, but his happiness was contagious. And so, throughout the whole journey, he kept her heart distracted from the anxiety with ease.


People hurried around the harbour, busy handling their tasks for the day. Next to them, huge nets of fish were being taken away to become food. Their stench filled the salty air, similar to the one that the slayers had departed on. People shouted at each other in a language unfamiliar to Kyojuro, and to y/n, it almost felt foreign too. It had been a while since she had a reason to use her original words. A sudden excitement filled her, as she suddenly wanted to share her culture with the male next to her. Maybe if there was time, she could show him after. They had a mission, her home was more mainland.

"So this is c/n!" As they walked their way to their destination, y/n suddenly felt weird not being the one who was judged for her appearance. As she looked like everyone else. Instead the man beside her, who stood out in his own country, was practically a beacon for curious looks. Especially with his high volume and intense personality. People were constantly staring the whole way.

"Your home has beautiful landscapes!" Kyojuro complimented as they walked, snacking as he took in everything. The day made the area glow, and the flame hashira had more questions than ever about everything he saw. Y/N was happy to explain each thing to the best of her knowledge, although the closer they got the more her nerves grew. She wasn't ready for this. But she had no choice. "And this snack is an amazing idea! Have some!"

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