Chapter 20 - Hunter

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A/N: Hey guys! Writer's block is tough. Don't worry, there is more Kyojuro-y/n stuff coming up in the next few chapters!


A tired sigh escaped the lips of the woman as she stared down at the dead town, people going to sleep consistently. She had been sitting on that roof for so long now that she felt her body become stiff, nothing was happening. It was boring. A few hours had passed since the random encounter with the Sound Hashira before he left on his journey to his mission, since then it had been quiet...

In a not so long time after morning came and y/n was left wondering why nothing had occurred. There was nothing that the demon could do during the day however, so she took this as an opportunity to not only stretch her legs but also come up with a plan. Luckily enough there was a forest near to this town and so that was where she went. Trees would hide her as she searched for a safe place to relax, still within a close range of the town so that when night came she could return easily. She hoped when the inevitable would happen that she'd be able to finish the demon without much drouble, but that was wishful thinking...

"What are you doing here?" It was less a question than it was an attempt to insult her. He thought he was being sneaky but she could sense someone approaching for a while now, although his intention wasn't to interact with her.

"No, what are you doing here?" Y/N offered a harsh glare. "I'm outside of your town, stop bothering me."

"Not until you leave my baby brother alone." Her eyes widened as he snapped. She turned to him fully with that information now in mind.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."


"Because innocent people are dying and it will never stop unless I fix it." She hissed.

"You would kill a child?" While his judgemental tone ticked her off, she couldn't deny the ache that seeing the demon take the form of a child caused.

"If it means that hundreds, maybe thousands of people will continue to live peacefully..." She gazed at him with fierce anger. "Then I won't hesitate to kill any demon regardless of the situation."

In response the male, who could only be similar in age to her, nodded his head. His expression was also bitter for the longest time and y/n kept her guard up, sensing that he may attempt to attack her. But after a short moment a conflict appeared in his eyes, not sure whether to keep interrogating her or to be honest about something that had been bothering him since...Well he couldn't remember when.

"Can I be honest?" He gave into his dispair, his rage disappearing as he now watched her with a more gentle look in his honey coloured eyes.

"Of course..." Y/N replied, however suddenly becoming slightly distracted as she felt the presence of someone else. Being a demon slayer didn't mean that she could forget about the dangers humans also contained as well, this could be an ambush. However, she only sensed one other person.

"My girlfriend, well her family-" He paused to think of what to say next. "They disappeared a day before you showed up in our town." The pain broke his voice.

"And my little brother, it's weird." He muttered, frowning to himself. "He's there and I know he is, but I feel like I don't remember having a baby brother. Like, I don't know anything about him before moving here yet our parents say we adopted him years ago."

"So your parents are lying?" Y/N muttered, it was a question more for herself than him.

"No!" His voice echoed through the forest, his denial clear. "They wouldn't-well...they would..." This older brother wasn't telling y/n anything new. She began to feel suspicious as he wasted her time. "Brainwashed maybe..." He whispered. Y/N stayed silent. She was no therapist, she was here to kill a demon. If he had no useful information then she wasn't about to sit and listen to his issues much longer.

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