❄️ Christmas! ❄️ One-Shot ❄️

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A/N: This chapter isn't related to the story at all, it's just a fun little one shot I wanted to write as a celebration. Hope you guys are having a great Christmas this year! And if you don't celebrate it, then I hope you're having happy holidays all together and are having a great time over whichever holiday you celebrate at this time of year!


"Kyojuro! My best bud, do you know what day it is tomorrow?" At the sound of his name, the flame hashira looked at the retired slayer with a bright, confident smile.

"Does it have anything to do with food?" His voice was loud as he asked the question, always interested in the meals involved. Of course he was, because he had the biggest appetite of anyone in the demon slayer corps.

"It's Christmas! Of course there will be food. Western traditions are trending nowadays." Tengen walked forward, placing an arm over his friend's shoulder. "There's also presents! We should try it this year!"

"Let's do it!" The flame hashira agreed, both of them beginning their plan.

Present shopping was fun for them both, grabbing things left and right for everyone they cared about. Kyojuro only had one last person to get a present for, y/n. She already got presents from him in the past, in the form of jewellery, but he wanted to get her something different. Asking for the ex-hashira's advice, they found themselves in a clothing store filled with a huge amount of different clothing in tons of different colours. At first he looked around with a frown, not really seeing anything that he thought would suit his y/n.

That was until he noticed a beautiful deep blue kimono with golden patterns that made the entire outfit sparkle. With a smile he took it from its place, not caring about the price. All that was left now was to get wrapping paper and a cookbook for food that people would generally make at this time of year.

In her cell, y/n sat bored. Being a demon, she couldn't be trusted, but still, it didn't stop the boredom that came from being stuck here for so long. Her hearing was the only thing that let her know people were approaching. She looked at the visitors with a bright smile, happy to see Kyojuro, Tengen and Mitsuri.

"Hi y/n!" Mitsuri cheered. Y/N had them visit individually, but never all at once.

"Hey...Am I in trouble?" The demon couldn't hide the concern as she watched her friends stare at her with wide grins.

"No, we got you permission to come out because we're celebrating Christmas for once!" Mitsuri cheered.

"There will be presents!" Tengen followed.

"And food!" Kyojuro grinned, already interested in how the food would taste.

"What about the tree?" Y/N questioned, smiling.

"Tree?" All three of them said together. Y/N gave them a short laugh before being let out.

The butterfly mansion was chosen as the place that Christmas would be held, as it had the biggest courtyard and it meant that even the wounded could celebrate. Near it was a forest that y/n had led the three hashira to, who watched with wonder as she walked around trying to pick out the best tree. When y/n finally found one she liked the look of, decent enough sized that it would work out for them, she uprooted it. It was one of the few times where she was relieved to have her demon strength, as getting a tree like this otherwise on short notice would be basically impossible.

"Here are the decorations you wanted, miss l/n!" She dusted her hands off once the tree was where she wanted it, smiling at the four for a moment before looking at their... unique decorations. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke had offered there help...Well, it was more like a competition for the boar...Each of them had come back with different styles of Christmas decorations, not much fitting the style that a traditional Christmas would have, but still, she was grateful for the help.

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