Chapter 5 - Colours

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, I sort of got busy with other things. Either way I hope you enjoy!


Days passed by slowly as y/n wasn't allowed to travel anywhere. It was boring to say the least. She was grateful, however that Senjuro had offered to help. She had been staying with the Rengoku household while she healed, and it was much quieter than the medical units of the butterfly mansion. Over time Senjuro had helped her with walking around so she could at least see outside. He brought her his favourite books, helped her find out her favourite tea flavour and did his best to find out activities that could help y/n avoid being bored. As much as she loved him for trying, the boredom set in very quickly. His elder brother had left on a mission almost instantly after the argument he had, so she hadn't seen him since. Two and a half weeks later, she was sitting in the garden with fresh bandages, enjoying the soft sunshine.

The gentle breeze tickled y/n's face as she sat peacefully, enjoying the softness of the air. It felt nice, yet she was still bored now. It had been a while and a garden could only stay interesting for so long, the occasional butterfly causing mild interest. As she watched some birds eat the seeds Senjuro had left out, she wondered how long it would take for her to be considered well enough to receive her first mission as part of the demon slayer corps. Hopefully, with any luck, it wouldn't be long. The air around her just barely shifted, it was such a tiny change that she almost didn't notice the company that was approaching her. She smiled as she looked back, noticing the mentioned boy coming to sit with her. His aura was never that strong, while with many other people, she could sense they were there within seconds once they got close enough. And then there were people, such as the hashira that demanded awareness even from far away. She could feel it in the home, even when the older brother of the two left. Their father, she was willing to bet. And still, it shocked her that such a careful, quiet nature made him go unheard. It made her wonder, as he got comfortable next to her, exactly how many times had he been overlooked?

"Do you have your sword?" The question caught Senjuro off guard, as he was not expecting a question like that from someone who had kept quiet for the longest time. It wasn't like she meant to be antisocial and he knew that, she had gone through a lot and he was willing to listen when she wanted an ear.

"I do..." He couldn't help the dejected tone that came with the admission. The sword was proof of something he felt he should be humiliated by. The sad tone didn't go unnoticed by the recovering woman.

"I've heard that the weapons here change colour, does yours have one?" She was curious to know, as she had never actually seen a sword change colour. A long moment of silence cast itself after the question as the young boy tried to find a way to answer.

"Actually mine is just...silver." He muttered, shy eyes staring at the ground as he felt like he had let her down. That weapon was a reminder to him of what he could never be. "If a sword doesn't change colour it means the wielder isn't skilled enough to be recognised..." It was interesting to learn that. Did it mean that silver was the only colour considered insignificant? But she had gone years with a silver sword and she was still living.

"You completed Final Selection yourself didn't you?"

"Just barely..." Senjuro muttered, becoming tense. His experience in Final Selection was a horrific one. At the time he was sure he'd never make it out alive. Just thinking about it made him want to cry as he remembered the horrors he saw. "I spent most of the time hiding."

"But you still survived it." The female warrior's heart ached at the idea that people so young, children, were going up against such terrifying creatures. Even if she had saw them around her originally when she had entered, knowing that children could be recruited made her concern grow. She had to make sure that she got stronger, strong enough to stop any demon. "I bet your brother was so proud." While her voice lacked enthusiasm, her words brought a nostalgic smile to the young boy's face.

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