Call Me (1.7)

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There were many things that Roxanne enjoyed about having her own apartment. Privacy, for one, was one of her favorite features; how she could choose to see as few or as many people as she wished at any time. Along with that, came the peace and quiet she needed in order to write the songs that would help make her friends famous, the songs that would keep her in Hollywood like she had always dreamed.

So, when she picked up her brand new electric guitar to write some melodies in the time she had before work, a hockey puck-sized indent smacking into her wall and startling her was the last thing she needed. Not only was the noise loud enough to send her heart into overdrive, but she was in the middle of formulating a perfect chord for one of her older songs and had lost it in an instant.

Gently setting her instrument down, she marched over to the shared door connecting her apartment to the band's and threw it open.

"What the hell do you all think you're doing?" She cried, but her voice was lost to the crunching and cracking of hockey pad on hockey pad as the boys zoomed around their living area on rollerblades in full protective gear. A puck was flying somewhere on the floor that all four of them spied, sending them hurtling into each other, making even more noise and ruining her quiet morning.

The mess they had already created was made even larger as Kendall shoved James over the breakfast bar in an attempt to get ahead of the other boy, sending snacks atop it every which way. The blond reared his stick back and slapped the puck with a sickening crack, shooting it once again toward the wall the two apartments shared.

Now, it was clear to her that she needed to get out of the way or take a puck to the face, so she dove behind the small barrier that kept the hallway to the bedrooms out of view. Just in time too, as she spied Kelly making her way into the apartment with a large, orange air horn.

As soon as the boys scored a goal, wherever they had deemed the net to be, the puck was placed in the center of the room where the four gathered to start a new round. While they were oblivious to the talent scout trying to catch her attention, Roxy covered her ears as quickly as she could as Kelly blew the horn right into their ears, not only scaring the boys but sending them into a straight, attentive line in front of her.

When the girl emerged from her hiding spot, she moved to stand beside Kelly, excited for whatever was in store for the group today. Meanwhile, Carlos remembered the game at hand and body-slammed Logan one more time for good measure.

"Get your helmets off and your smiles on." Kelly declared, referring to the pads the boys were still clad in. "Gustavo pulled some strings, and if we hurry, you can make the next Pop Tiger hot-new-star pinup fold-out special spring poster issue."

"No way!" Roxy squealed, reacting to her statement and inadvertently cutting off something James was about to say. "The spring poster issue is my favorite edition of Pop Tiger. We've got to make this happen!"

"Um..." Kendall started, sharing confused looks with Logan and Carlos. "In English, please?"

Kelly and Roxy glanced at each other, displaying their disdain at the band's ignorance. How was it they had made it this long as a boyband without knowing about cutesy teen magazines like Pop Tiger?

"It's picture day!" Kelly settled on in lieu of a proper explanation. "Move it!" And blared the air horn one more time before leaving the apartment to go wait in the lobby.

The four boys still stood in their line, not quite sure what to do now that she had gone.

"Why don't you just put on your favorite outfits? Or ask James for help styling your hair?" The assistant questioned, still trying to understand what the boys found confusing.

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