Jenny from the Block (2.2)

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After getting home from tour and the craziness of their first 48 hours back in Hollywood, Kelly and Gustavo allowed the teens a few days off from work to rest and recuperate before fully getting back into the swing of their Hollywood lives.

Today had been the first day everyone had been in the recording booth for quite some time, and once the lengthy practice and recording sessions for "Til I Forget About You" were finally over, the bands' bosses had a big surprise in store for them.

"Guys..." Kelly eagerly began, trading out her traditional leather ledger for a large brown sack filled to the brim with something the five couldn't quite make out.

Each of them were sprawled out on one of the large, white couches in the Rocque Records lounge, trying to collect themselves after a long, hard day.

"Here's a little thing we like to call," Gustavo paused for dramatic effect as Kelly began to dump the sack contents onto the coffee table in front of them.

"Fan mail!" They chorused as the boys reached out and grabbed as many letters and packages as they could possibly hold, bursting with pride as their collections continued to grow.

It was a wonderful sight to see, each of Roxy's friends trying to capture every envelope and box off the table. If anything, this fan mail was a testament to their hard work - people taking time out of their own days to write notes or send gifts to the boys showed that Big Time Rush meant a lot to people all across the globe. To play a part in that, however small, was a wonderful feeling.

The first to tear open a letter in front of him was Kendall, easily breaking through the red heart-shaped sticker seal to reveal the writing inside. Reading it aloud, he tried to boast to the rest of his friends, "Dear Kendall, can you please, please, please, please, please send a photo?"

"I love BTR, but mostly James." Logan read with a chuckle, before tossing the letter over his shoulder. "Ha! She's wrong."

Sitting on the couch's armrest, Carlos balanced himself and tore open a large, brown package to share his letter. "Logan, you're my favorite. P.S. Please enjoy this meatloaf I made for you."

Had it not been for the noxious smell coming off the rotting piece of meat Carlos was now holding in his hand, Roxy would've knocked it to the floor to keep it away from her friends.

"P.P.S., please give it to Carlos!" The helmet wearer pretended to read, causing Logan to launch himself over James and his assistant to try and wrestle the loaf from Carlos' hands.

Though the two of them eventually toppled off the couch and onto the floor, the other teens ignored them, tearing through more letters to find ones to read aloud.

"Saw you guys in Las Vegas. You rocked my world!" James said with a smile, squinting as he tried to decipher this fan's complicated handwriting. "Could you please write back with a picture of Carlos and also the guitar player's phone number? My older brother thought she was cute and he also plays guitar."

"Do not send my phone number out to strangers!" Roxy cried, cracking a smile and snatching the note from James' hand, who looked more than okay with her actions. "Even if I do love myself a guitar player..."

"Like I'd give your number to another guy," James scoffed before Kendall interrupted with his own, "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm sending my fan a photo!"

The loud sound of an air horn blaring from the other side of the room caught the band's attention, startling them away from what they were doing as they looked up to their bosses with ringing ears.

From the room that once housed their small classroom at the School of Rocque, Kelly rolled out a large whiteboard with lots of information written out in white, dusty chalk. Pointing to the top line, the band read out, "Fan mail do's and don'ts."

That's All She Wrote || James DiamondTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang