Broken Strings/No Strings Attached (1.14)

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As soon as the school bell rang, signaling the end of the Palm Woods School final exam, Roxy was more than happy to pack her items up and get ready to bolt out the door. Summer was finally upon them, meaning she had more time than ever to sit down and focus on her songwriting. With only a few months until Big Time Rush's first album came out, there was no time to spare to try and squeeze in a few more hits.

Miss Collins stood at the front of the classroom, smiling down at her students as she waved her hands toward the class. "Okay, everyone, pencils down. Pass your finals forward, and I'll see you all at tonight's end-of-year Palm Woods School party!"

This fact caused the girl to lend an ear to the conversation, pausing her packing, supposing she could take one night off in order to let loose and celebrate her hard work. Now that a few months had passed in Los Angeles, and the five had gotten to know their classmates better, the promise of a party with them sounded extra intriguing; seeing everyone in one place outside of the classroom might give them time to form even better connections.

However, as Roxy and the band met this news with a grin, they looked around in confusion as the rest of the class let out exasperated groans at their teacher's comment.

"Wow," Logan scoffed from the row of tightly packed desks in front of his assistant, turning to Camille beside him. "Everyone seems really not excited."

The ravenette shook her head, trying to act as though she was just into the party like her crush was even if she had joined in on the groan-fest. "No! It's really great, we get cupcakes, punch, and entertainment..." Her smile faded. "By Bitters."

Well if the entertainment is the issue... Roxy threw her eraser across Jo's desk to her right, hitting Kendall in the arm to get his attention. Leaning behind her friend's blonde waves, she spoke directly to the frontman "Tell Miss C. Big Time Rush can be the entertainment this year. You four need stage practice."

Nodding, the singer turned her suggestion over before confidently raising his hand. "Miss Collins? Don't you think we could do something remotely cool for our end-of-the-year school party?"

It seemed as though he had heard Logan and Camille's conversation as well.

"Like a dance!" James lit up next to the front man.

A chorus of "Ooh's" erupted in the classroom. That boy sure knew how to command a crowd.

Logan snapped his fingers, pointing at the wannabe in agreement, using his suggestion to voice his own as he nervously glanced at the girl beside him. "With slow dances."

"And dates to slow dance with!" Chimed in Carlos, already turning to face the row behind him to wiggle his brows at all three Jennifers and the new ghost-girl, Stephanie King.

Raising her hand as well, the assistant offered, "With a live performance from Big Time Rush."

Nodding in agreement as they took the information in, the class seemed entirely on board with this idea, everyone turned to their teacher to gain her approval for their party.

"Well, we've never had a school dance before, because we're really just one small classroom, but if a certain band and their songwriter-assistant want to be the new school dance committee, that sounds great!" The woman grinned, before turning gravely serious and crossing her arms. "So you need to find a theme, snacks, decorations, chaperones, and we have no money, no place to have it, and since today's the last day of school, we need to have it tonight."

No problem. Roxy thought, writing everything her teacher had mentioned down in a neat checklist so nothing would be forgotten. She had even begun jotting down loose ideas for themes before Kendall grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out of the classroom with the rest of the band, heading into the lobby to finalize their plans.

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