Morning Glory (2.4)

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The same person who invented Mondays, homework, and mayonnaise invented ending a second-first date, Roxy thought, walking through the front doors of the Palm Woods, hand in hand with James.

She had done everything in her power to slow down time once the actors took their final bows - Taking the long way home from the theater, pretending like the Pontiac had almost run out of gas so they had to stop at a gas station for slushies, kissing her date more than a few times in the dark Palm Woods parking lot - but still, the night had to come to an end, even as she reluctantly dragged her feet along the ancient hotel carpet.

Though she pretty sure James had caught on, seeing as he wasn't walking all that fast either, and that made her feel better but still didn't change the reality that all good things must come to an end.

Once they reached the theater, they inadvertently run into a pair of siblings who struck out at the box office, so they happily passed off their extra tickets before making their way to their balcony seats.

American Idiot had been phenomenal, a harrowing tale filled with all her favorite songs from the Green Day album of the same name and a couple of twists and turns she hadn't been expecting. Roxy even cried at the end, which would have been embarrassing under any other circumstances, but James simply wrapped his arm around her and let her silently weep on his shoulder until she was ready to leave the darkness of the theater.

Live music could be so inspiring.

Throughout the night, he had told her a thousand different times how beautiful she looked in her thematically red and black outfit, held her bag patiently when she ran to the bathroom to fix her makeup after the show, and graciously paid for her gas tank and cherry slushie.

Everything had been perfect, but now they were standing at the door to 2-H and Roxy was fiddling with her keys trying to stall for even a few precious seconds longer.

"I had a great time tonight," James shared, watching her hands intently as she flipped a few of the keys around the ring, the cheesy I Heart L.A. keychain clamoring the loudest. "But I've got to admit this is a really awkward way to drop you off."

"Right? Like, how are we even supposed to end this?"

Hands gently grabbing her waist to pull her closer, James pressed a slow kiss to Roxy's lips before mumbling, "Like any other date, I guess... Call me?"

All she could manage was a nod in response, looking up at him. It didn't matter how much he had kissed her over the last few days of their relationship, her brain still managed to short-circuit every single time.

As her boyfriend made his way over to 2-J with a final wave, she quickly pulled out her phone.

Buzz buzz

Hearing his small exhale of a chuckle as he removed his phone from his pocket and checked the caller ID, Roxy bit into her lip when he pressed the accept call button.

"When can I see you again?" She giggled through the microphone as she watched his back, barely hearing her own voice come through the receiver on his phone a few paces down.

James' reply took a moment as cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear while he slid his key into 2-J's lock. "Tomorrow morning if I'm lucky."

"You're not that lucky," His assistant shot back before she could stop herself, closing and locking the door to 2-H once she was inside.

"Wait!" She could practically hear his cheeks flush. "I didn't mean-"

"Goodnight, James. Thanks for showing me a good time."

"My pleasure, Rox. Goodnight."

As she hung up the phone, a grin plastered across her face, her finger hovered over Jo's contact information, and for a moment she wondered if she should call her to dish out all the juicy details of her night out. Regardless of what she told the actress, it would eventually end up making its way to Camille, and as selfish as it was, Roxy didn't want her to know anything about her perfect date. Besides, to tell Jo and ask that she would exclude it from their other friend was just cruel, so she sighed and locked her phone.

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