No Sleep Till Brooklyn

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Jo and Camille,

You'll never believe who took my phone the first day of tour and refuses to give it back because "I have more important things to be focused on right now."

I KNOW HE CHANGED MY LIFE BUT SOMETIMES I HATE GUSTAVO ROCQUE. And I'd never say I hate Kelly, but I am upset she let him do that... SOS!

Thanks to my expert negotiation skills, I'm allowed one call to my Dad per week - like this is some kind of prison or something - so I'm going to do my best to write letters to both of you in order to keep you updated.

While it took a long time for Gustavo, Kelly, and I to map out this tour path, I didn't think about what it would mean to be crammed on a handful of buses with both the band and our musical accompaniment. Our lovely producer and talent scout get to take flights and stay in five-star hotels, but I'm okay to travel by bus. I've only been to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and California, so I'm excited to see the country this way. First stop - Orlando! In three days!

We booked three buses, one for the musical accompaniment (technically I'm one of them I suppose, but the boys say they hate road trips with Logan, so I just snuck onto the bus he's on to keep him company), and two for the band. Each one has three tiny bunks, some couches, a full bathroom, most of a kitchen, and plenty of cabinet space for snacks, games, and anything we could possibly need. For now, I'm writing from the couch, sitting next to a napping Logan, and Carlos is up front making friends with the driver, Henrietta. The other bus is currently transporting Kendall and James.

Speaking of, after Gustavo told us the tour was back on after the concert when I came running to you two to tell you what had happened, James practically ran straight to 2-J to pack and hasn't spoken to me since. I thought I had done everything right but I guess maybe he wasn't actually into me after all. Maybe just the thrill of surviving a kidnapping?

"I lived through this so now I can kiss Roxy!"


Though, I suppose it might be a good thing... After thinking about it while I was packing I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now, if that's even something he's interested in. Sure, I like him, but I think I still need some time to get over what Dak did to me. As much as I don't enjoy thinking about it, they bare many similarities and that scares me a bit more than I'd like to admit.

Pop stars

Can be self-absorbed

'Cuda extra strength hairspray


I should probably quit while I'm ahead, but I guess I'm gonna learn my lesson if I keep playing with fire and then promptly getting burned.

All my love,




It was so humid in Orlando that it took me an extra hour to fix my hair before the show, but other than that, we had a lot of fun! I'm really proud of the show we put together and getting to perform for a new crowd all the way across the country was so surreal. There are people who know all the words to my songs, more than willing to scream them right in my face... If only that pesky boy band wasn't in the way.

Just kidding!

Today, we're heading to Mansfield, Massachusetts - one whole day on the bus and a show tomorrow. I'd look up some facts about the town to share but, you know, no phone or whatever. Warden Rocque hasn't changed his mind even after the combination of pleading from the five of us...

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