Burnin' Up (1.16)

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 Mornings off, though few and far between, were often spent by the band and their assistant in different ways. The boys loved to spend their time lounging out by the pool, especially now that school was out for the summer, and while Roxy would often join them on the especially hot days, most of the time she was holed up in her room songwriting or practicing piano. That, or she was focused on completing errands and chores to keep her fridge stocked, wardrobe fresh, or her apartment clean.

Living by herself was a bit challenging, though she was never truly alone. Sometimes she was able to convince one of the guys, mainly Logan, to come out and enjoy the day together, which was an added bonus since she wouldn't have to navigate the sketchy streets of Los Angeles all alone. Even though errands sucked, they were always better with a friend.

Today was no exception, except Logan had elected to join her in her room while she was focused on completing the exercises in the piano book Gustavo had given her at the band's last practice. Since she had begun playing the piano, she was determined to practice as much as she could to get as close to her boss' level of skill as possible. The two of them were similar in many ways, both had been playing an instrument since a very young age and were very good at writing songs utilizing that instrument, but it often made collaboration more challenging than it needed to be.

Now that she was tearing through as many piano books as she could pick up from his office or the music store around the corner from Rocque Records, it was a bit easier for her and her boss to be on the same page - though neither of them had written anything close to good enough to be the next Big Time Rush hit. It had been a few days since Roxy had thought about her work in progress, meaning it had been a few days since she had thought about Dak Zevon, and she was happy to keep it that way. She hadn't even picked up her guitar since the little writing session she had with James before the end of the dance.

So, in order to keep up with something musical, she had been focusing on honing her piano skills at the small, electronic keyboard Gustavo and Kelly had gifted her the first week she and the boys had settled in L.A.

After he had joined her for breakfast, Logan had asked if he could stick around and listen to her play while he went over an MCAT study book as they finished clearing the plates from their shared breakfast.

"Dude, it's summer! Give yourself a break and go hang out by the pool or something," She told him, gesturing towards the window at the back of her apartment. "I don't mind if you stay, but you've got all the time in the world to study."

Rolling his eyes, Logan scoffed at her statement. "Yeah, but I don't want to fall behind!"

"Behind who?"

The boy crossed his arms and cast his gaze down to his shoes, tucking the book under his sleeve as he grumbled something unintelligible. Clearly, he was stressing over his study timeline, and she was only making it worse by teasing him.

Poor guy, she thought to herself, and without another teasing word, she finished putting the last dish away and made her way to her bedroom. In tow, Logan gathered his notes, study books, and pencil bag before plopping down on the edge of her bed.

Watching as he meticulously set out his supplies, Roxy wondered just how much medical knowledge a person could hold. She knew he wanted to be a doctor, but what did he want to specialize in? Did he want to work in a hospital or a private office? How soon was he planning on abandoning Big Time Rush to make his dream come true?

That last thought was quickly pushed out of her mind as she sat down in front of the electronic keyboard and flipped it on, picking out the book Gustavo had given her with more challenging songs to learn.

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