That's What You Get (2.3)

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"It's taking too long... He's not going to do it."

From the rate at which Jo was pacing back and forth in 2-H's living room, Roxy might have thought she was auditioning to be a runway model had she not known any better.

Each of them had set their cell phones on the coffee table, ringers on full blast, anxiously expecting a call they had been waiting nearly all evening for.

As much as Roxy thought herself to be a night owl, she was beginning to feel the couch cushions beckoning her to close her eyes as she sunk deeper into them, letting out an exaggerated yawn.

"He told me he was going to, I swear!"

"Ugh!" The actress gasped, finally coming to a stop on the opposite side of the table. Staring down at the black screens for a moment, she let out a sorrowful, "This is worse than waiting for a casting callback! At least the directors give you some sort of time frame so you don't have to wait by the phone all day..."
Despite having no idea what that felt like, Roxy nodded along anyway as she absentmindedly twisted one of the rings she was wearing. "Well... Her curfew is midnight, right? I'm sure she'll message us soon."

"If she even remembers to keep us in the loop! Maybe Logan's got her under some sort of love spell."

That made the two girls burst into giggles; The lateness of the hour was beginning to get to both of them, but there was no way they'd allow themselves to sleep when their best friend was on the most important date of her life.

Eventually, when their text tones didn't go off after another few minutes, Jo collapsed onto the couch beside the writer with a played-up sigh, kicking her feet up on the table in front of them.

There were many things Roxy loved about spending time with Jo, but the actress was never all that patient. She imagined this must feel like hell to her, watching as she scrunched her nose in silent thought.

This was typically an indicator that Jo was upset, probably thinking about all the ways she could harm Logan if he didn't end up asking Camille out tonight like he had said, but once her features softened and the corner of her mouth had a slight uptick, her friend knew that she was quickly losing her thoughts to Kendall.

For an actress, she does have a lot of tells... Roxy kept to herself, wondering if after tonight she might notice any new ones from Camille in the next coming days - though, she had already been operating as though Logan was her boyfriend without the two of them ever making it official.

The relationship the two of them shared was certainly interesting.

Before the girl's thoughts were able to diverge into those of any other relationships among her friends, Jo's ringtone poured out of the speakers on the small, black device resting on the table.

Buzz buzz

Incoming FaceTalk: Camille Roberts

Jo immediately jumped off the couch and snatched her phone into her shaking hands, so quickly the device managed to slip through her fingers and down into Roxy's lap below.

Much calmer than her friend, she picked up the phone and hit the accept call button, standing and holding the front-facing camera so both she and her friend were in the frame.

When the call connected, Camille's face filled the screen, then Logan's for a split second, followed by one of the most ear-splitting shrieks known to man as the actress cried, "Logan Mitchell is officially my boyfriend!" so loudly Roxy wouldn't doubt it reached half of Los Angeles.

This, of course, caused Roxy and Jo to launch into their own celebrations, giddily cheering as they congratulated their friend.

"I'll tell you everything when I get home!" Camille promised after she had finally managed to calm down.

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