Was I The Only One (1.15)

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It had been one week since "Z-Day" as Camille and Jo had taken to calling Roxy's break up, and the writer deemed overall that she was handling it pretty well. Especially if watching Pride and Prejudice on repeat while choking down her sixth frozen hash brown for the morning and bawling her eyes out counted as handling it pretty well.

The girls had been more than generous when it came to sharing their time with the writer, who knew full well they had many important auditions to attend, but couldn't bring herself to finally tell them she felt fine enough to be alone until this morning. Not only were they probably sick of hearing about Dak, but they also likely wanted a space to gush about their own new relationship developments without fear it would bring Roxy into a spiraling state of sadness. More than once did Jo mention her new official status with Kendall, and more than once did Roxy try and fail to hold back her tears - wishing she still had a faithful, loyal boyfriend.

She knew choosing to end their relationship was the right thing to do, but wished it wasn't causing her so much pain.

With Camille and Jo away, Roxy had planned to spend today in a similar movie-watching- hashbrown-eating fashion - she couldn't get enough of Lizzie and Darcy and their stupid, perfect, amazing relationship that still worked out even though she was way out of his league - but Gustavo had called her to make sure she kept an eye on the boys for a little while. Apparently, he had a top-secret, surprise guest at Rocque Records and he didn't want them making fools out of themselves in front of them.

It probably would have been a better use of her time if he had told her who to look out for, but he had generously granted her the last week off of work, so Roxy didn't say anything about it before her boss hung up the phone.

As the assistant made her way down to the lobby, she spotted Big Time Rush lounging by the pool reading their respective favorite magazines: Hockey Action Magazine for Kendall, Future Doctor for Logan, HELMET for Carlos, and Pop Tiger for James. Spying an empty chair by the long-haired boy, she scooted past him and noticed he had this month's new edition of the magazine. It featured one of her current favorite singers, Jordin Sparks, but unfortunately also featured a picture of Dak in the upper right-hand corner.

What took over her, she didn't know, but she smacked the magazine out of the boy's hand before settling down on her chair and taking out her songbook to polish a few chords for her new song.

James scoffed, picking up the magazine once more and reading one of the blurbs on the cover. "Hey, do you guys want to know Dak Zevon's secret to perfect toast?"

Seems like someone's mad I never replied to his message. Roxy registered, doing her best to not reach out and wring his neck at the mention of her ex. At least it had been long enough that she didn't tear up at just the mention of his name.

The rest of the band shot James a death glare before hissing out a chorus of "No!"

Throughout the last week, they had seen her sparingly; only a few times on the way to the second-floor ice machine and once at the vending machines in the lobby, aggressively taking her anger out on a package of Cheez-Its that wedged itself in the gap between the glass.

"It's all in this month's Pop Tiger." The boy explained, waving the magazine around before Carlos snatched it out of his hands.

"What I wanna know is, we've been in L.A. for four months," He began, staring into magazine Jordin's bright eyes. "When are we gonna meet some totally cool and hot celebrity, like Jordin Sparks."

Yeah, because the last celebrity we met was just so cool...

Biting her tongue, the assistant drew out a few music staffs as a young woman with a large blue suitcase walked up to the teens.

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