Chapter sixteen

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I grabbed the jacket that was laying on the back of the armchair in my office on my way out

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I grabbed the jacket that was laying on the back of the armchair in my office on my way out. After the clash that was Allegra and Vic's sudden meeting, my entire mind had been clouded by the look on Brielle's face after the way I spoke to my sister.

I didn't think that I would have to deal with Brielle until I was back in the estate and had enough willpower to put on some face.

I almost laughed at the absurdity of my life but contained myself as I made my way down the stairs and was delighted to see Mattia instead of one of the women in my life.

"You look... fine," I checked my phone for some updates from Greta but after reading it and finding no decent information, I looked up at my friend.

"Shall we?" He followed me to the elevator and after we were inside, his interrogation continued.

"What was that drama that involved Vic and Allegra?" He asked me in Italian.

"Nothing that I want to talk about," I responded.

"Oh, come on, Nicolas. Something happened because you wouldn't be reacting so weirdly calmly," I rolled my eyes and looked at the changing numbers on the screen. I was praying to all of the spirits out there to make this mechanism move as quickly as possible.

"Everything's fine-"

"Did she see it?"

"Who?" Matt chuckled, making me glance at him.

"Don't think that I am stupid, Nico. Was Brielle there?"

"What if she was?" he glanced at me and smiled.

"It changes everything and basically explains your behaviour," I frowned before he continued. "I don't know practically anything in relation to the events that occurred, but from what I heard from your sister herself, Brielle heard you say some things."

"She wasn't supposed to be here-"

"Nico, you can't tell her where to be especially if she's spending time with your sister. I was surprised to hear that you began to warm up to Allegra," he added.

"It's what I have to do," the elevator doors opened and once we reached my car, I continued speaking. "It's not like I have anything other to do in my spare time, so might as well finish what I started," we sat inside and buckled up before I pulled out of the garage and headed towards the club where Gio was being held at.

"I bet she got hurt," he mumbled, making me frown as I turned into a busier street right by my apartment building.

"Why are you so fascinated by her all of a sudden?"

"I'm not. I just care for the girl and hope you find some balls in you to have a decent conversation with her," I chuckled and instead of bickering with him further, just kept silent.

I would love to make amends with her but I knew Brielle well and was almost certain that any one of our conversations would turn into a fight. One that would make me want her more than anything in this world and one that would make her hate me further. I was pushing her away with every damn thing that was now happening in my life and hated it. I wanted to be with her as much as I hated myself for it. I fucking craved it like a drug that I was addicted to but she was my forbidden apple.

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