4. Can I kiss you?

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"Wakey wakey! It's Saturday and you're helping me with the mowing!" Hongjoong groaned hearing his overly excited uncle first thing when he walked into the kitchen at 10 am, after finally getting ready to start the day.

"I don't know how to mow. Our apartment in Seoul doesn't have a backyard." He tried to get out of the chore but the man only shook his head.

"Wooyoung will teach you. And we need to do some grocery shopping if we want to eat something this week." His aunt chirped in, already putting on her shoes. "Look after Kyungmin as well! We should be back in a few hours."

"Make sure you'll get the lawn done before noon. The weather forecast said it'd be raining later today." Hongjoong nodded and locked the doors behind them, immediately climbing upstairs to Wooyoung's room. He spotted him sitting on the bed, zipping up Kyungmin's hoodie.

"Are you going somewhere?" Hongjoong asked confused.

"Play date. Why?"

"You were supposed to teach me how to mow." The younger snorted and shrugged. Kyungmin smiled at Hongjoong showing off his missing tooth and the older returned the gesture.

"I'll show you where the mower is and how to use it. It's easy, you'll be fine. Believe me, I'd rather stay home too, but Kyungmin has been asking me for over a week now to take him to the park and play with his classmates. You could take him but you'd probably get lost and do you even have any experience with kids?" Hongjoong shook his head, agreeing that it wouldn't be a very good solution, especially since he'd already forgotten the way to the park anyway.

"So you just pull this thing like 3 times and then you walk in lines until the grass is even. Easy." Wooyoung finished explaining after they took the mower out of the garage.

"Let's go!" Kyungmin pulled his brother's hand, rushing him.

"I'll better get going. Call me if anything comes up." Wooyoung smiled and scooted the toddler of his feet, and put him on his shoulders. The boy laughed and Hongjoong couldn't help but also let the corners of his mouth rise.

He watched them walk down the street for a second before glancing down at the machine in front of him again. It looked very old and rusty and Hongjoong wasn't even sure how it was still working.

Well, he'll have to make it work either way.

His eyes arbitrarily glanced at Park's house and the memories from previous night filled his mind. The boy thought whether Seonghwa's mum was cleaning up the mess after the party or maybe it was already cleaned up? Hongjoong also wondered what the older was doing now. Was he still mad at him for talking to Miss Park yesterday? It wasn't like Hongjoong did something wrong anyway.

He scrunched his face and gently slapped his cheek. The teenager clicked his tongue, thinking that Seonghwa's already gotten him perverted as Hongjoong was unwilling thinking about the latter.

He refocused on the his task and did a walk around the backyard picking up Kyungmin's toys, and afterwards he followed Wooyoung's instructions, trying to turn the mower on.

It didn't.

He tried again already feeling helpless.

He called Wooyoung not even a minute later.

"It is not working." Hongjoong whined as soon as his cousin picked up.

"It takes some time to turn on sometimes. Try kicking it a few times."

"I won't kick it, your dad will kick me if I wreck his mower." He rolled his eyes and Wooyoung's laugh could be heard on the other side of the call. "Maybe I could go and get San to help me?"

Teenage Dirtbag (My cruel summer) | SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now