Sidst Kamp

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KUGNE Headquarters
At the heart of the island known as Gevaka, lies a castle surrounded by things that you would expect from a town... except it wasn't a normal town. It's one occupied by only military personnel and is where the whole expedition is organized.

It's supposed to be one of the most heavily defended infrastructure known to Gestrae, and yet the defenses had been breached by Flashia like they were nothing.

"Are we just going to stay here and defend this castle from the so-called 'barbarians'?" said a soldier.

"I'm afraid so, we will have to defend against whatever they had..." said another one.

Ever since they broke through the HQ defense, many have casted doubt over Flashia's status as a 'barbarian nation'. Barbarian nations should've only have primitive technology, not being able to resist a whole army of 7 'civilized' states.

Yet Flashia defied the existing logic ingrained to the citizen of the 'Civilized World'. Despite not having magic, they have technologies that outmatched that of Gestrae.

They had extremely accurate 'black muskets' that can shoot multiple times, 'self-propelled siege engine' that uses a cannon and even fighter jets which were supposedly used solely by Verdecana as it was their invention for the time being.

"May the gods bless us"


Outside the castle
Positioned outside the walls of the castle are various unit of the Forsvaret. These consists of the 198th Overfaldsenheder, 125th Kawagrzmotian Hussars and the 217th Pansarjæger.

Because of the castle sheer size, it was divided into three sections. The central section will be handled by the Hussars, the Western one would be taken care of by the 217th and the East to the Overfaldsenheder.

"When are we going to crash into the party?"

"Anytime now"

Many are waiting for the order to breach the castle. With the amount of time just waiting, they would've got shot at already. But they didn't, the windows where the defenders can use as firing ports are watched closely and anyone that tried to use them always had one or more bullets waiting for them.

With the fact that they always got shot at whenever they peeked out the window, the defenders gave up on engaging the attackers outside.

The squad leader of the Mariner approached the rest of the squad, bored out after minutes of waiting.

"HQ just called in, we are to breach in the castle immediately"

The Mariner got a little bit excited as the order to break in has been greenlighted.

"Finally! I was wondering if we had to stop here"

The Flash troops readied up for the coming fights, magazines were ensured full, and the chambers were checked to see if it has a bullet in it. A Pansar 82A1 belonging to the Marinesoldater would then line up in front of the massive gate, their cannon is now aiming at the entrance.

"It is time..."


Musketeers lined up on the hallway, with some taking cover from the railings. They're Gošbanian soldiers who are very nervous of what would happen next, as they're now the last line of defense.

So far they have not heard the knockings from foot soldiers or a siege engine. Sweats keep on pouring down the heads of the Gošbanians with many praying ahead of the fight.

Then suddenly...


An abrupt explosion sent many of the front line back, wounding some as shrapnel from what remained of the gate flew through the air. The rest were then shot by the attacking forces who emerged from the smokes, followed by the ones on the railing.

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