Rejoice and Revolt

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"Today marks the day that the first refugee, a former slave to officially become a citizen of Flashia. Kristen Saar, a liberated slave from the border region to South Varika, aged 24, has gone through the full procedure and became a Flash citizen as of 27/8/2017. This could be a pivotal point for those who were forced to work under the iron fist of the 18th century invaders of Gevaka.

In other news, several of the Naeslagt spies, who were captured months ago as a result of Operation Concentration which saw more than 80 spies captured across the country, were released this morning. They were let go on request of the Naeslagt Royal Embassy in Barminde and will return safely to Naeslagtland as agreed upon by both parties." - FCNN


Flashia, 27/8/1702
In the what they call the 'Republic of Flashia' rather than the Federal Republic of Flashia for simplicity sakes, a group of shadowy figures lurks under the night. Known as 'slave hunters', they're bounty hunters with only one goal in mind: retrieving back slaves to their rightful owner.

How would they get the whereabouts of the specific slave they were going for? Well, it's actually a lot easier than one would've thought. In the past few years, in response to increasing number of slaves escaping without a trace, they found new ways to track down and get them back to their owners.

What would it be in this case? It turns out you could track one down by distinct magic signature applied onto them by a mage. Using the signature-tracking compass, they would find their way to a building with military presence.

Would a slave be there? Apparently yes as the compass gave out a periodic tick, indicating that they're close. They have a limited time to recapture the slave however, as it would wear off in a month.

The leader gave out a signal to move out, finding a way around the guarded entrance. They went to the sides with some kind of fences with net pattern on them. One slave hunter would approach the fence and reach for the net in an attempt to use it to get himself to the other side, but there is a catch...

"AI!" as he recoiled back with what seems like electricity flowing through his hand "What is this? An Electric Enhanced Magic Fence?"

"Shhh!" said the leader "Keep quiet, they will know we're here"

"Oh... sorry"

The leader then turns towards the mage.

"Hey can you open this up for us?"

The mage simply nodded, as she got to her job. She casted a fire spell, cutting the fence in a large rectangular pattern as the piece would fall out to their side. The hunters didn't waste any time going through the gap.

All that's left now is to find this slave they were tasked to find. The hunters carefully moved around the facilities, avoiding the guards before making it to a campsite. This is where the ticking only intensified as they got closer and closer.

They went through rows after rows before the hunters were sure this is it, and went to where the arrow is pointing, the compass would lead them to a camp and it's here that the team of slave hunters realized, they got the wrong row.

It's a small mistake though, and there wasn't anything to stop them from going around the tents before moving on to right outside the tent where the compass is pointing at. The hunters would enter the tent, finding a lone young girl inside.

She was recognized as the target for this ragtag team of slave hunters, and so they jumped in and tackled the frightened girl. They tied her hand and wrap a piece of cloth over her mouth so the targeted girl would be easier to handle without making as much noise.

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