~ Chapter 17 ~

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Chapter 17
Friday August 26th
Lennon's POV

"The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout"

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out!"

"Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again"

I sang the song very enthusiastically to the twins, who were lying on their backs staring up at me with the most bored expressions of their entire lives. I guess they aren't a fan of singing songs just yet. They only cracked small baby smiles when I began to play their favorite game with them, peek a boo. It's so fun to see them trying to engage in activities now, and it's even better when Theo is the one trying to play with them. Seeing my 3 babies together is the only reason I get through the days. Today's Friday which means it's the babies and I at home today, so we've just been moving from toy to toy to keep them entertained and content during their awake times.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I spent the entire night tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable and failing. I cried until I couldn't anymore, and spent the long hours of the nights staring into the darkness and hoping that I would fall asleep. Except I never did.

I've managed to catch an hour of sleep during the twin's morning nap, but that's about it. Through tired eyes we've managed to play with an array of toys, sit in their bouncers, and drink lots of milk. I could feel the need to sleep catching up with my body, but of course I couldn't do that now, as much as I wanted to.

On the flip side, the twins staying home today has been a distraction. I've been so busy trying to keep them happy, that I haven't had much down time to lay in bed and contemplate every failure I feel like I have made in my 24 years of life. Distraction doesn't equal progress, but it's a step up from yesterday.

After the nail salon yesterday with my mom, she dropped me back off at home so I could relax for half an hour before I had to leave to get the kids. Thankfully, Theo had a better day at school than he did the day before, and even came home boasting about how his teachers loved his family bracelets. His teachers even stopped me in the hallway and checked on Theo, because of our bracelets, and apologized for any harm they may have caused. I appreciated it, even though I didn't expect them to at all.

"Who's ready for some milk?" I gasped, shaking a bottle in each hand. Instantly, the twins faces lit up and Delia's little legs started kicking in excitement. Atticus outreached his arms towards the milk wanting me to hand it over immediately. Since I had downtime and wasn't busy with dinner or Theo, I situated the 3 of us on the couch, so I could snuggle with the babies while they ate.

"I love you both so much" I whispered to them.

They both just stared up at me in response, but I'm choosing to believe their looks meant that they love me too.

After their little afternoon snack, I put both of them in their sleep sacks and turned on their sound machine for their naptime. "I love you both forever and ever"

Closing the door quietly behind me, I made my way to my bedroom and bypassed the giant piles of my laundry and baby laundry that was sitting in the corner, and threw myself down on my side of the bed. Although it'd be smart and productive to do it now, I'll save it for tonight when I eventually can't sleep. As for right now, my eyes were halfway shut and I was drifting off.

The sound of baby wails woke me up about two hours later, and I rushed to the nursery to calm them down. Peeking my head over the side of Delia's crib first, her soothing herself back to calmness a mere moments later. Scooping my second baby boy up into my arms and bouncing him up and down, shushing him, to help him relax.

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