~ Chapter 31 ~

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Chapter 31
Tuesday September 13th
Lennon's POV

Harry froze, and I know that it was hard for him to listen to, but I wanted to tell him. I wanted Harry to be aware of this information before he saw Theo so that if Theo happened to mention Hudson around Harry, it wouldn't be a total blindside. I thought it was the right thing to make Harry know of their relationship, so that down the line there wouldn't be any surprises.

Honestly, watching his face I started to feel bad for saying it. But I know I had to.

"He calls him dad?"

"He does. I never coerced him into saying it, but Theo did it on his own one day and then it just stuck. So Theo knows Hudson as his dad, he calls him dad, and he loves him. I know that's a lot, but I wanted you to know..."

"There's nobody to blame but myself, but yeah, that one stung" Harry put his head in his hands, and I almost felt myself wanting to pat his back and comfort him somehow. Harry had this whole idea that he was going to jump right back in as Theo's parent and I completely shattered that idea he had in his head in just a few moments.

"There's more, but if you need a moment just tell me"

"IT's fine, just lay it all on me" Harry sighed.

"Okay. So obviously Hudson is not here anymore, and that has taken a toll on Theo. He knows the concept, but he doesn't understand it fully so it's all still a little confusing to him, which is another reason I was so nervous about you. Because he's so young and Hudson passed away. However, my point is this. Theo is a very sensitive kid. He takes things to heart, and he has a lot of emotions. He's extremely shy, like incredibly kept to himself. I think he has separation anxiety? Nothing's diagnosed or anything, I'm just speculating"

"Has it always been like that?" Harry asked, and his face dropped.

"You know when Theo was a baby he was shy and only ever wanted us. He doesn't gravitate towards people, and it's always been bad since you left. He's clung to me, and I think it's because one day you were there, and then the next day you weren't. He kept me close, so I didn't leave... he's always been like this. That's why I'm surprised he eventually opened up to Hudson the way that he did. I wasn't expecting that, it took a lot of time, because that's not how Theo is. But then Hudson died, and it's worse than ever before. He doesn't make friends at school and he chooses to play by himself, he'll talk to people like my parents or his babysitter but he won't get close with them. It's like he won't attach himself to people because he's so afraid of them leaving him..."


"He won't form relationships outside of me or the twins. And he holds us so close to him. He's quite protective of the babies. It's gotten so bad that he doesn't even sleep in his own bed, he sleeps in my bed, and he's always wanting to be by my side. It's like he's grasping for us to stay in reach so that one day he won't wake up and we'll be gone" I frowned, it hurt me to talk about Theo like this, because it breaks my heart as his mom.


"It's what he's used to. You were there and then you weren't, and then he got close to Hudson and one day he was gone out of nowhere"

Harry stayed silent and kept his head in his hands, but I knew that he was hearing me.

"My point is Theo is very shy. So when you meet him, he's more than likely not going to fall right into your arms. He's going to be quiet, he's going to hide behind my legs, and he's barely going to speak to you. Not because it's you, but because he simply will not allow himself to form relationships anymore. I feel like you need to know that and a little more of the background before you see him, which is why I wanted you to come over"

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