~ Chapter 48 ~

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It's practically update Thursday right ? ... (It's 10:30 pm on a Wednesday)

Hold on....

Chapter 48
July 23rd 2015
Lennon's POV

"Come on Theo, you can do it buddy" I cheered him on. I was crouched down on the floor a few feet away from my 9 month old, outstretching my arms towards him urging him to crawl towards me. He's learned how to scoot away around the house two months ago, but last month he's seemed to try crawling more and more but always gave up before he accomplished it.

"C'mon buddy crawl towards mama" I smiled, baby talking to him hoping he would take the first step, or I guess knee.

Theo stared up at me with his big brown eyes and his bald little head. Well, he had some hair but definitely not a lot. A big smile was plastered on his face and he rocked back and forth on his hands and knees like he was preparing to come towards me.

I clapped my hands together, and gasped to myself as he pushed his one leg forward, and then the other, and another... and then faceplanted.

"Oh teddy bear" I chuckled, and put him back up on his hands and knees, then went back in front of him so he could try again. "C'mon, come to mommy"

Theo for the second time crawled towards me three times and right when I thought his wobbly self was going to fall over, he came crawling a couple more steps right into my arms for the first time.

"You did it baby!" I smiled, and planted kisses all over his smushable little face. Theo giggled, a sound that I will never get tired of. I practically cried the first time that he laughed, and it melts my heart every single time I hear it.

For the next twenty minutes or so, I knew because I kept checking the time on my phone, we played on Theo's little toy mat that sang him songs and had rattling toys for him to listen to. Our attention was both turned away from the baby toys when I heard the familiar rattling of a key in the door, my sign that Harry was finally back home for the day.

I heard the door open and shut, and the quiet rustling as he took his shoes and coat off and got situated for a moment. He emerged into our living room a few minutes later, running his hands through his long hair and stumbling over his feet.

"Hey H" I greeted him, and got up to go wrap my arms around his neck, missing his touch from the long day that I had without my boys.

"Hey lover" He slightly slurred, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"You're a little late" I commented, innocently.

"A few of us at work went out" He answered, and then crouched down to pick Theo up off of the floor. "Hey little man"

Theo babbled a bit and then gave Harry's cheek an open mouthed kiss, practically slobbering all over his dad.

"Oh. We wanted to spend some time with you" I bit the inside of my cheek, shuffling my feet.

"I'm here now Lenny" Harry looked up at me.

"It's Theo's bedtime, and I have an early morning clinical I have to be at" I shook my head, appreciating his offer but had to decline. I was going to be the one who wakes up with Theo at his usual 3am wake time we haven't gotten out of the habit of yet, and I wanted to get some sleep.

"Okay...tomorrow?" Harry questioned, and handed Theo over to me.

"Sure" I soft smiled. "Do you want to do bedtime routine with him?"

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