~ Chapter 53 ~

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Chapter 53
Thursday November 24th
Lennon's POV

Life is defined by moments. Moments that make us who we are. Moments that change the direction of our life. Everything that we do leads us to where we're supposed to be. Moments help shape you into the person that you are.

Now, some of these are good moments. Such as the birth of my kids, getting engaged, graduating college.

Some of them are bad moments. Fights with my mother, Harry abandoning me, Hudson dying.

Some things are harder to categorize, but I kept finding myself lowering Harry's and I's kiss into a good moment.

I felt the butterflies that I felt when we were together all of those years ago. It was honestly really shocking to me. After Harry had left, I did find myself falling out of love with Harry, because how couldn't I? He broke my heart and I had to move on, I couldn't drown in my sorrows forever over it.

But that kiss definitely brought up some old feelings, and that scared me.

It was a good kiss, don't get me wrong. His lips were familiar and they moved perfectly in sync with mine just how they always had. It was under the pouring rain which is what you only see in the movies, but I guess that makes sense considering Harry's an actor.

But it still scared me.

For one it came out of nowhere. I was not at all expecting Harry to pull my arm back and collapse his lips onto mine, I knew that I hesitated for a moment when his lips were on mine before I started to kiss him back. That's because I was just so in shock that he actually went for it.

Also, I think it makes everything a little more complicated. Not only the fact that I forgave him 5 minutes before he kissed me for the last two weeks, but I was also afraid of what it meant for me.

I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I'm still distraught and trying to process Hudson's death, it hasn't even been a year yet, and I don't think I'm ready to feel like I'm forgetting about him and moving on. If I got with Harry, I feel like I'm being unfair or getting over it too fast, and that makes me iffy inside.

Also, I don't even know how I feel about Harry in that way. Sure, I giggled to myself like a little school girl the entire drive home, but do I like him in that way? Since he came back and I told him I was never going to be in a relationship with him, I've not once that about being with Harry. I haven't liked him, I haven't wanted to kiss him, or anything of that sort. Now because he kissed me, my entire view is going to flip upside down?

I was also slightly nervous that because of the kiss, Harry might start expecting some sort of romantic relationship with me. He told me he wasn't here to get back together with me and that it was simply just to be in Theo's life, but he also was the one who pulled my backwards and initiated the kiss to begin with.

Or maybe it was just what it was. A kiss. No feelings, no strings attached, no expectations. Just a kiss. I can work with that.

"Mommy! Look I make a turkey!" Theo ran over with a construction paper craft held in his hands. He was off from school for the next two days due to Thanksgiving, and I was happy to have some extra time with him.

"Wow! Good job buddy" I smiled, and then let him display his turkey craft on the front of the fridge.

For thanksgiving, we usually go to my parents house and my dad is in charge of making Thanksgiving dinner. My aunt and my cousins usually join us and it's just a relaxing afternoon all together. This year, that clearly isn't happening. My dad was upset when I told him I wouldn't be joining them this year but that he understood why.

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