~ Chapter 27 ~

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Chapter 27
Friday September 9th
Lennon's POV

Harry texted me last night and told me he could come over during the twin's morning nap as long as I was still okay with him coming over so soon. I don't know how he keeps getting to take all this time away from filming, but it worked in my favor so I wouldn't worry about it.

I hated that I couldn't control my anger yesterday and I let one of the most important things to me slip out. Hudson's death wasn't some secret, Harry would find out eventually shall I let him in Theo's life, I just didn't want to let it come out that way or right this soon.

I was trying to become okay with opening Theo's life up to him, but I didn't want to do that with mine. Hudson's death was my thing and something so close to me, and I felt like Harry knowing was like opening up a part of myself to him again.

And I said it without even thinking.

I tried to process it all last night while I lied awake in my bed in the pitch black.

All of our conversations also end up going nowhere. It's like I tell myself I'm going to keep myself calm, but then the moment actually happens and I flip out. I know I have anger towards Harry, that's obvious, but I do really want to try and work this out for Theo. That's why today I'm going to try extremely hard to put yesterday behind me, and actually have a productive conversation with Harry.

If I feel myself starting to freak, I'm going to step away and calm myself down. I'm by no means anymore okay with Harry's reasoning or anything than I was before, but I'm hoping today can be the turning point for us that we need.

I looked down at the babies who were each chewing on a teething toy. They were being really good babies this morning, and entertaining themselves if I needed a few moments to recoup. We had lots of snuggles, I want to get in as many as I can before they don't sit as still anymore, and then I played with their toys to make them laugh as they sat there and stared.

I was on my phone texting Lyanna back, she sent me some message about something we had talked about earlier in the week, when I heard the doorbell ring. I did a double take between the front door and the time and realized that I was having so much fun with the little ones that I lost track of time.

The twins weren't ready for their naps yet, so I decided to let Harry in otherwise he'd be standing outside for more than a couple minutes and that would not be nice. Today he wore loose khaki pants, some black vans, and a black sleeved cardigan with a cartoon city on a white background. He also held a bag of food in his left hand.

"Good morning" Harry greeted and stepped inside when I scooted over.

"Morning" I softly smiled at him.

"How are you?" He asked, carefully saying the words to gauge my reaction as he did.

"I'm fine" I answered.

"Okay" Harry bit his bottom lip.

We both turned our heads towards the living room when a baby giggle interrupted our conversation.

"I have to go put the twins to bed, give me 5 minutes" I told Harry, and then quickly left him to go to the babies. We did the same routine we always did and the twins were out like a light.

Joining Harry yet again in the main part of the house I saw that he had set up the food that he had brought. On the coffee table were two plates consisting of pancakes, eggs, and a sausage patty, and two cups of coffee. It was interesting to me that he continued to bring over food every single time he came over.

"Thanks for breakfast" I thanked him, and I could tell him ease up a little bit, but then quickly had a suspicious look on his face. "What?" I asked.

"Why're you being so nice to me right now?" He asked, slowly sitting down diagonally to me on the sectional.

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