~ Chapter 18 ~

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Chapter 18
Monday August 29th
Lennon's POV

I've yet to feel like Hudson has sent me a sign for clarity on the Harry situation. All weekend long I looked for puzzle pieces and I have not been able to put any of them together as of now. I feel stupid for even feeling this way, but I genuinely feel discouraged.

I promised Harry an answer that needs to be given to him on Wednesday afternoon, and it's Monday and I still do not have one. I want to give Harry at least some respect, whether I feel he earns it or not, because that's who I am as a person. Which is why I want to be able to give him a yes or no on Wednesday. Asking for more time would just feel rude, so I am just hoping I'll magically come to a decision soon to respect the time frame I gave.

I've run all the different scenarios in my mind a million times and right when one seems to be like the right choice, something else comes up making me change my mind yet again.

Regardless I am very happy, and honestly quite a little bit shocked, that he's stayed away since Wednesday like I asked him too. A small part of me assumed he would be so desperate for a conversation that he would unintentionally ruin all his chances by reaching out to me, but he hasn't. And I appreciate that he's actually giving me the space I need.

It's a Monday, which is clearly the worst possible day of the week. After a relaxing weekend with the babies, my alarm clock going off at 5 in the morning was like the devil knocking on my front door. I just wanted to stay cuddled up with Theo, but unfortunately adult life and bills would not allow that.

So here I am at work, stitching up a teenager's forehead and lecturing him on why helmets are so important when you're skipping class and hanging out at the skate park. To which one of his buddies made a remark about never wearing helmets if all the nurses here look like I do. I rolled my eyes when they weren't looking.

"Great, now I have this stupid shit on my forehead" The kid complained when I backed up and informed him I was all done.

"Dude" his friend playfully punched his arm. "The chicks dig scars"

When he wasn't met by the same enthusiasm by stitches kid, he turned to me and his face was plastered with a cocky smirk. "Right?"

"They also "dig" respect and maturity" I responded, cleaning up the items that I used. "You can sign out at the desk down the hallway. And wear your helmets"

"No promises!"

I was glad once they were out of my sight. Double checking the room was set up for the next patient, I then grabbed the Ipad to see where I was needed next. Room 7 was in for head pain.

Opening the door to room 7, I was not surprised but delighted to see Mrs. Henderson perched up on the hospital bed holding onto her temple. In a weird way, I was glad to see a familiar face. She's someone who brings some calmness and familiarity to my day, and after the week that I've had, I could use her wisdom and words.

Like I said, she's been someone I've leaned on ever since Hudson's passing. Along with the kids, she's been a part of the reason I've kept going because of her support and comfort during the roughest point in my life. When talking to her, I feel like I'm talking to my grandmother, which is probably why she feels so familiar and safe to me...

She's always knows just the right thing to say too, especially when I talk about my grief, because she's been through it not too long ago. It's awful that the thing we have in common is something so morbid and sad, but in a way there's something beautiful about it.

Maybe this is the sign Hudson sent down to me...

"Darling! Oh I'm glad to see you" She greeted me.

"Right back at you, except for the fact we're back at the emergency room" I quirked an eyebrow, and leaned against the counter. "What's going on?"

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