~ Chapter 61 ~

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Chapter 61
Wednesday January 11th
Lennon's POV

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Work has been extremely slammed, turns out a lot of people who put the gym on their resolutions for the new year have now ended up in the emergency room from overstraining themselves or dropping weights on their bodies.

There's also been a slight shift in the room whenever Harry comes over. Theo still will talk to him and play with him, but he definitely is less affectionate than he has been. He rarely sits in his lap anymore, and he limits how many hugs he's been giving him. It's not a complete distance, but it's definitely a gap, and I was hoping we would be past it soon.

It was sort of bittersweet on Monday when Theo saw Harry for the first time after learning the truth. Theo had went over to him and told Harry what he had learned, and that he was sad that Harry used to be sad. It was a sweet moment, but after that Theo has been a bit hesitant. I am hoping that it isn't anything major, I think Theo will just need a few more days or so to continue processing his emotions about it and then we'll be good as new.

Because of that though, I've also been worrying about Harry a lot more. I feel like I'm constantly checking in on him and probably annoying him, but I genuinely just want to make sure he's okay. I've even reached out to Jeff one night because Harry was taking too long to answer, but turns out Harry was just taking a shower and I had nothing to worry about.

My dad has also been trying to make contact this week, which has been stressing me out. I know how I left it off with him, but I just don't have the energy right now. On the other scale of things, Anne has been sending me different lists of travel plans and everything, which I love, but it's another thing I'm having to keep up with right now. Although, I was very excited to see her.

And then there was also the impending doom in my head that February 1st is quickly approaching. It's still a couple weeks away, but it's destined to be here in no time, and I have so much to do. For starter's it's the twins first birthday! I didn't have to stress about a party, because honestly who were we going to invite? It's not like any of us have many friends, so in a roundabout way it was a good thing so I didn't have to plan a giant party. Despite that, I still wanted to do something.

It would also be Harry's birthday, because they're birthday triplets, and I still needed to figure out what I was going to gift him. After Christmas, I was at a lack of thoughts on what to buy him, but I knew I needed to figure out a couple ideas soon.

And lastly, it would be the year mark of the worst night of my entire life. One whole year since Hudson was killed on his way to the hospital. One year around the sun with my world completely thrown for a loop, and the day that I became a single mother to 3 small children. One year since I was told some of life's most devastating news and realized just how cruel the world could really be, and wondering when will I finally get a break?

All in all, I'm doing my best to keep everything together.

My saving grace is that I have 3 little angels who are destined to put smiles on my face. It was a hard day at work, so nothing made me happier than opening up the front door and hearing the happy cheers from my favorite kiddos to greet me. Theo wrapped his arms around me, and I picked him up in an embrace, just as happy to see him. There was a sad accident involving a child today, which always reminded me to hold mine a little tighter. Luckily, the girl was expected to make a full recovery in the next couple days, but it doesn't hurt to soak in some extra cuddles.

Lyanna was cleaning the babies bottles at the sink, while the twins were in little bouncer toys and playing with the rattles in front of them. Since they've been teething, it's been a toss up to whether or not they'd still be awake when I got home. Tonight was one of the nights they must've been giving her a hard time, because they're still smiles in the kitchen, but I didn't mind.

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