chapter ten.

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-Zaid gonzales.

Its been four days since my dear old principal expelled me from that hellhole. Its friday today , lia and i moved into our new house on tuesday, fucking finally. Although we did have memories in our old one, it wasn't any good ones. I figured a new clean slate would be best for lia , since she wouldn't have to live through our parents chaos. When lia and i drove home from our old school monday afternoon, we decided to look into houses and new schools . We found the perfect house , it was bigger than our last one , it was a four bedroom house with three bathrooms , a swimming pool and a gym room for myself and small library for lia. Lia instantly fell inlove with the house , which brought a warmth to my stomach. Id do anything for this girl. With my connections and money i made sure we moved in asap , which only took a day ,and then next thing i knew we were driving away from that fucked up house . Then when looking into schools on wednesday ,fucking five schools rejected me. Thanks to the rumors going around every fucking school that i am apparently "insane" or "psycho". I swear rumors fly around quickly and people will believe any of the shit you feed them. I swear sometimes i think i was born in the wrong generation. Pathetic humans. Tuesday was no luck , i was starting to think everything would be a dead end , because if we couldn't find a school , then I'd have to feel this guilt with pulling lia down with me.

Wednesday was no luck , and then thursday showed up , no luck too . This morning Lia and i were watching some type of vampire show shes obsessed with diary of the vampire or vampire diaries . Whatever they sound the same. I was in the middle of hearing lia rant over some guy named steven or stefan . Saying how much she hated him and shit when the sound of my phone rang , which lia glared at me for ruining her speech , i patted her head as i stood up and walked to the kitchen .i looked at the number and it was unknown? .

If it were another day I'd declined the call immediately, but something tells me that i should answer this call. I look at it for a few seconds when i answer the call , i let out a breathe and try to be as nice as possible as i speak into the phone "Who is it?" Okay maybe not nice but progress.

I heard some talking behind the phone. Making me tap my foot impatiently i was about to bark at them when a feminine voice filled the speaker "Is this zaid gonzales?" She asked nicely.

I furrow my eyebrows "This is him , what do you want?"i quip. I would've been nice if they hadn't fucking took so long to answer me "You called in about a application for Aurelia gonzales and yourself to Rocklands Oaks High School , am i correct?" The lady asked behind the phone as i gripped the phone.

I swear to god if they reject me too ,ill personally go over there and burn that school to the ground. I hold in my irritation "Yes i did" i hear some ruffling on the other side as the lady speaks up again "Your application was approved , Aurelia gonzales as a sophomore and you as a senior , you start on monday , you should find your timetable and things at the front desk . I already spoke to the captain of the hockey team, and you're in luck , there's a spot open and as for aurelia we made sure to put her in the readers club she wanted. " the lady ranted as a huge grin wiped my face. I clear my throat " ill be sure to show up monday morning. Thank you." I say politely as she ends the call.

I put my phone in my pocket , as the morning sun sweeps through the kitchen windows , i smile and walk to where lia is again she looks at me strangely as i throw myself next to her again on the couch as she bounces a bit due to my impact.

She narrows her eyes and points a accusing finger at me "You're smiling , you never smile . What did you do?" I almost burst out of laughter but i contain myself as i put my arm behind her head on the arm set "So i was on the phone and i got good news" i say .

She smiles "DID MY BOOKS FINALLY COME!?" She squeals as i smile and shake my head amusingly "No , we got a school lia , we start monday" she stills as she looks at me.

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