chapter twelve.

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-estella romano

Waking up the next morning , felt like literal hell . My throat was dry . I was hungry and my brain felt like it was stomped all over. I couldn't think , thinking about thinking made my temples throb. What happened last night? I remember seeing that douchebags face , and i remember him threatening me with my worse secret.

How the hell did he know?

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my temples "fuck..." i mutter as a sharp pain pierces my skull. I push the rats nest that has fallen onto my face , away from my face. I can guarantee that if i looked into a mirror right now I'd look like shit. I look on my desk for my phone , rubbing my eyes in the process as i feel for it , i stop as i make contact with a note and a wrapper , confused i take it and hold it infront of me.

My blood turns ice cold , my eyes wide and my mouth parted , my hands shake as i hold the note in my hand . Memories come flooding back. As i try to regain myself , my heart starts to race as my palms turn sweaty "" i start to panic as i stand up ignoring the revolting headache.

"Who the are you?" I snapped.

Fuck. I wince as the memories of last night came back . How did i become so vulnerable to the point where i spilled my feelings out to a random stranger i didn't even fucking know. For all I know he could be spreading the word that the youngest romano kid wants to kill herself . Jesus christ , i pinch the bridge of my nose as rub my hands over my face , i tug my hair so hard , blood has to be dripping now . "Fuck!" I screetch as i crumple up the piece of paper that has the strangers name on .

What did i know about this guy? He didn't like showing his face and i knew his name. Thats it . Nothing else. So why did my dumbass decide to spill her whole lifestory.

I knew the effects of alcohol were bad , but i didn't think this bad. Hell i could've told him i murdered someone what was wrong with me , why did i feel the need to bare myself to him.

Who the fuck names their kid zaid anyways. Not only did the fucker make me inhale that deliciously chocolate he could've stopped me from rambling my life story. I hope i never run into him again or else ill be fucked. Not only one but two people know about me now. I sigh as walk and kick the boots on the floor out of the way as i walk to the bathroom . I lock the door behind me as i hold onto the counter and look into the mirror.

I dont hide my shock , as i see mascara smeered terribly under my eyelids , my makeups ruined and my hair looks like someone chewed on it . I brush my teeth as i wince as my head throbs again. I wash my face and shiver as the cold water touches my skin causing goosebumps to erupt onto them. I scrub the makeup off which wasnt hard surprisingly. After im done washing my face , i walk to the sliding door of the shower. I unzip my dress and step out of it and my underwear. Leaving me bare to the cold air . I dont bother looking into the mirror as i step into the warm relaxing water. I grab some soap as i rub a bit into my hand , i start to smeer it onto my body as i moan at the feel of the warm water onto my skin , i look down at my thighs.

" one can know im like this"i plead.

I shake my head as the memories of last night came back again. I think about how he captivated me with that stare from under that hoodie , the way his jaw clenched when he saw the way i stared at his hands , that bottom lip...i throb down there as i gasp.

What the fuck? No , just no.

Next i wash my hair and scrub as soap runs down my body. God , i feel awful . My head fucking hurts. Maybe my brothers got something to take the pain away. I wash the remaing soap off me and out of my hair as i step out and grab two towels. I tie one around myself and the other around my hair . I walk out and straight to my closet. I walk to the balcony doors , ignoring the memories trying to push their way back. I put my hand out the door , hoping no one sees me half naked . Its cold today . I smile in approvement as i walk back to my closet.

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