chapter forty-four

70 5 16

-Zaid gonzales.

Even though the love i had for vengeance and blood ran deep

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Even though the love i had for vengeance and blood ran deep. I couldn't have prepared myself for the unfamiliar emotions stirring inside of me as i thought about a specific girl. That girl living right down the street from me. Whats wrong with me? Shes just some girl. So why was i plotting a hundred ways to win her back? I could ask lia. No...then id be teased around the entire time by the little fucker.

I stretch as I stand from my bed. The nap i took did nothing to desolve the tension that was trembling all over my body. I pick up my cell as i look at the time.

22:23 pm.

Fuck. How long did i sleep for ? My throat itched for water as i walked out of my room and the sounds of giggling came from my sisters room made me stop in my tracks as i immediately turned around and stomped to her room. I leaned my ear against the door as i could make out the words coming from her.

I frowned as i didn't hear anything and i didn't think twice before pushing open her door. My sisters eyes snapped up as she saw my murderous face. I look around the empty room as i narrow my eyes. I walk straight for her closet as i swing it open. Her clothes rattling on the hangers in the process .

"Hey!" She yelled at me as i barged into her bathroom . The only thing being in there in her wash water with the faint smell of pineapple. I sigh as i walk back out. My sister folds her arms as she taps her foot impatiently.

Yeah no im not doing this.

"You can't just barge in here and come into my space you unhinged caveman!" She stomped her foot like a kid and a small breathy chuckle fell from my lips as i walked forward and nuzzled her head. She whined and hit my arms. Her hits doing absolutely nothing to me. After we sort out shit out. I could finally breathe again in this house without being scared of ticking her.

She pushes away from me as her hair sticks to her flushed red cheeks as she pants and runs to throw me with a pillow. I dodge it as i run with all my speed towards her . Her eyes widen as she yelps and tries to run. Before she has time to blink. I throw her over my shoulder as i run down the stairs in all my might.

"Zaid diego gonzales , i swear to god if you try to do anything . I will kill you !" She yells as she thrashes and hits my butt. I chuckle as i run out the backdoor and onto the grass. The rain pouring down on us hard as her screams gets silenced by the rain.

"ah! Are you insane. We're gonna get hypothermia you estúpido !" I dont make out her words as i run to the side of the pool. She stiffens as she gasps "dont you dare..." i take a step closer.

"Zaid , c'mon. We can just go inside and call it a night yeah?" She chuckles nervously and i roll my eyes . I take a step closer and she sucks in a breath "fuck-

Her fowl words gets wiped out as i throw her into the pool and i do the same as i do a backflip and the water drowns out all of my senses as darkness invades me. My lungs start to burn as i push up for air and slowly everything comes back to me as the sound of the harsh rain splatters everywhere and lia hissing out profanities.

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