chapter fourteen.

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-Zaid gonzales

As my back flexes with every pushup i do , my muscles tighten as the sweaty mixture drips down my body , and onto the floor.


I clench my jaw as i do the last pushup. I use my strength and stand up. I groan as i feel how tired my muscles are. I take my things and walk out of the gym room and to the kitchen for a snack. I walk in with the towel over my shoulder as my hair sticks to my forehead . I find lia sitting at the counter reading some new book. She reads the book with fascination making me smile a bit. I watch as she bites her lip as she tries to hold in a squeal. She doesnt acknowledge me as i lean on the doorframe of the kitchen , i fold my arms as i clear my throat.

"You done or should i leave you to your ...what do you call it , book boyfriends?" I question her as her head snaps up realizing i saw her little interaction . Her eyes widen as she clutches her book to her chest and screams "ahh , what the frick?! i swear to god dont do that" she breathes as she holds her heart dramatically making me roll my eyes.

I walk into the kitchen chuckling under my breath as i walk to the fridge . I examine the ingredients in our fridge.

"You know ...ive got a good feeling about this new school. Who knows i might even make some friends" my sister blabbers from behind me as i take in her words "yeah , thats great lia" i mumble as i grab an apple , and then move it to the side "I mean like , it couldn't be as bad as our old school right?" She questions as i hear her flip a page

I smile as i see the left over chicken quesadillas. Fuck yeah. I hear my sister talking in the background but i block out her words as i warm the food , i watch as the timer ticks ...every single second and then i hear a book being smacked down onto the table making me break out of my thoughts "...are you even listening to me? I swear i could've told you a guy touched my ass and then you'd be a full on john wick" she hissed.

I roll my eyes at her exaggeration. I dont turn into john wick. Oh please.

The timer ends as i take out my food and join her at the counter , i sit in the stool opposite her. I feel her glare piercing my skull as she tries to be imtimidating . I ignore her as i bite into the warm quesadilla. Fucking heaven sent . "You know you could've put a shirt on , no one wants to see all of that" she motions with her hands to my tattooed chest. I look down at my chest and and back at her.

I hold up my finger as i swallow "Lia i can guarantee you , if i went outside like this and onto the front porch. There'd be divorce papers flying at every house on this street" i say and wink at her which she grimaces at .

I bite into another one as she looks at me in disgust "Come on , don't scowl your face will stay so. Now tell me what you were blabbing on about...better not be one of those fucking book boyfriends." I mutter as i take the last bite "What was the last one you told me about ? Rhysen larsen?" I say as i wipe my hands.

She full on glares at me as she smashes her hands onto the counter "Dont you ever disrespect my book boyfriends like that again . And jesus its rhys larsen its not hard to forget and for what i was saying before was..." she says as she leans back in her seat moving her book onto her lap.

I make a gesture for her to go on . She sighs and slumps into her seat as she caves "I saw the pretty girl again yesterday...what if . You know? I can become friends with her?" my sister whispers as i blink at her.

my fox . I haven't seen her since friday night. I still remember the way that pretty mouth of hers moved when she talked . Or the way her eyes twinkled under the starlight. I can still smell her scent . Call me crazy but when lia offered to wanna wash my hoodie . The one i wore that night . I full on grabbed it and hid it away. Making lia very questionable at my reaction. She soon backed off when i told her I'd buy her new books.Her scent was all over that damn hoodie. It corrupted my senses...hell it was hers now. Smelled like pure vanilla. How could something so plain . So bland so boring . Capture my attention. I was use to the perfumes the girls i fucked wore. The perfume that gave you that excruciating ache in your temples after you sniffed it for too long. This girl was slowly corrupting my mind and she didnt even know it...its sunday now and i still can't get her out of my fucking mind. Its hard knowing she lives right down the street. And i can't do fuck about it."...i know i cant trust anyone. But she looks nice enough to approach. Not like when i approached blaire hompton to ask if i can be her friend. You remember that yeah? After i asked her she told everyone i had lice , so no one could ever approach me. Damn that was messy" my sister rambles bringing me out of my thoughts as she reminds me of the times she was bullied at our old school.

I blink at her not knowing what to tell her .

Lia and i didnt keep secrets from one another. So why was it different this time?.

I clear my throat as i stand up and walk to where my sweater was hanging across the sofa. I grab it as i pull it over my head. I look up and shes still looking at me . I go to sit back at my seat.

I fold my hands infront of me as i sigh "lia..." i start to say as her ears perk up" You know how these girls are , they're all backstabbing bitches . They'll do anything for validation. I promise you . You'll find yourself some good friends. You're still young. You're fun to be around. And im sure someone will sit and listen to you bitch about your book boyfriends" i chuckle as i grab her hand "it'll come naturally, don't force it . You're wonderful anyone would be lucky to have you as their friend kid " i say as i wink at her.

She smiles as she nods "yeah i guess you're right , besides i definitely dont wanna meet another blaire hompton . Yikes." She laughs as she widens her eyes at her last statement.

I shake my head in amusement as i look at the time . Its four in the afternoon. I stand up and crack my neck as lia goes back to her book "You gotta teach me how to do that man. I've been practicing but i almost snapped my own neck" she mumbles as she reads and flips to the next page

"Its all about posture kid. Oh and concentration. Make sure your spine is intact with all your other muscles and just relax" i say as i pick up the candy wrappers lia left on the floor.

Shes quiet for a mintue as she speaks again " yeah yeah i didnt get a fuck of what you just said right now" i snap my head in her direction as i glare at her.

She turns around slowly . Laughing nervously . She scratches her head innocently "Did i say fuck? I meant to say frick , i have no idea whats gotten into me "she feigns innocent as i scoff and point a finger at her "No swearing or i won't get you that sweater that says "I love damon torrence" and all the other tee's you wanted " i smirk as i fold my hands . She gasps "you wouldn't " i narrow my eyes at her.

"Try me kid" i challenge her as she narrows her eyes at me too.

We stand there holding eye contact as she caves and throws her hands up in the air , my mouth quirks up as she breaks eye contact "Fine! No swearing. Jesus" she sighs as she goes back to her book as i smile in victory.

I walk out the kitchen . I stop at the door frame as i turn my head over my shoulder "If any hot moms come and look for me , tell them to get me in the shower sí?" I say as her book falls from her hands . I walk out the kitchen as i hear her screaming "Eso no es gracioso Zaid, te juro por Dios que me mudaré! "
She scolds me in spanish as i laugh over my shoulder.

Translation from spanish to english (Thats not funny Zaid , i swear to God im moving!")

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Translation from spanish to english (Thats not funny Zaid , i swear to God im moving!")

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