chapter seventeen.

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-Estella romano.

I have two options here folks. Either i run as fast as i can and make a break for it or i could kick him in the nuts. Im guessing none. Considering he'll eventually catch up to me cause you know i had to be the size of a damn dwarf . And the second option...thats risky , i mean the guy could destroy me by shoving me lightly and do i wanna experience that? Hell no. Would i like to escape this situation? Ofcourse.

The school halls are quiet , the only sounds heard are our shoes connecting to the floors and my labored breathing .I avoid eye contact with him as i feel his burning stare into the back of my head . I clench my fists cutting off my blood circulation. I crane my neck a bit to his direction as i make eye contact with him . He cocks his head to the side as i narrow my eyes at him "remind me again , why you couldn't have just explored this school on your own than take me out of my class?" I question. He grins making his dimples pop out.

My eyes immediately move to his lips. I swallow down my dry throat as i look back at his eyes . He watches me with a smirk. He saw that. Goddammit.

He catches up to me as he walks alongside me. He is to close for my liking . I can literally smell him everywhere. He looks down at me as he shrugs . "I know you" he states.

"Correction, you do not know me just happen to know some very confidential things about me" i scoff as i direct my attention infront of me.

Were almost there.

"I meant what i said you know...i wont tell anyone " he murmurs. I look up at him as i see softness in his eyes. I roll my eyes "whatever ...i dont even care if you tell anyone" he chuckles as i glare at him.

"Whats so funny?"
He licks his lips making heat pool in my underwear "Anyone ever tell you you're feisty as fuck" i push my hair behind my ears . I shrug as we continue walking.

"Its hot" he states as he moves closer to me making me blush . I bite the inside of my cheek to contain the reaction i got from him.

"We're almost there" i change the subject as we turn into another hall.

"So ...tell me. This is a new school and shit . Tell me what to expect." He says as he pushes his hair away from his face.

"You know i liked you better when you didn't talk at all " i look up at him. He smirks "are you implying that you did infact like me?" He asks innocently as he cocks his head to the side.

"What! No , thats not what i meant..." i stutter as i try to find my words " know what forget it. We're here."i say as i gesture to the door leading to the hockey arena where all the other hockey players are at right now , including my brother.

" was nice to meet you. I hope to see you again. Not" i chuckle as i go to turn around. I feel myself being pulled back my the waist as i stumble into a body. I feel his warm breath at my ear as i shiver . His scent surrounds me. Cigarettes with a hint of mens perfume."Now fox..."he tsk tsks as i blush "...that wasn't part of the deal , i was told I'd be getting a tour of the hockey arena. You are going to get take your pretty ass inside and introduce me to everyone" he says as my breath hitches " hell i will , i was basically dragged here . I didn't fucking offer shit" i hiss.

He squeezes my waist lightly as i arch into him making me bite my lip. Jesus . Just punch him in the face and make a run for it.

"I wasn't're gonna do what i just told you . Are we clear?" He whispers into my ear.

I shake my head as he squeezes a bit harder. I let out a gasp "Are.we.clear?"he says more sternly now making me nod. "Good girl " he whispers before returning to his original height.

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