chapter fifty.

63 5 3

-estella romano

"Im eighteen weeks pregnant with your niece or nephew"

The sentence runs through my head a thousand times as i stand there stunned. My breath gets lodged into my throat as i stare at her swollen belly. I wait for someone to pop out with a camera and tell me its a joke. But i watch as more tears run down my sisters face. She couldn't be pregnant right? My ash couldn't be pregnant.

I wait for reality to set it , but it hits me. This is reality.

Ash is pregnant.

"H-how?" my choked whisper fades across the room as stealth engulfs us.

Her eyes dart from me to the floor as she looks down shamefully. I stand up straighter as i take a step towards her. A bad feeling sitting in my stomach "Ash , how are you pregnant?" My voice raises slightly and she flinches.

She lets outs a breathy whisper " I-well its complicated..." she exhales a breath and throws her cardigan into place . I watch her face for any thing that could tell me how this happened.

I grind my jaw "Then make it less complicated, you can't just drop a fucking bomb like that ! What am i suppose to do with that informat-

"Look its , please will you stop yelling and hear me out for a second?" Her eyebrows are set into a deep frown and i almost feel bad for her.

I take a seat back on her bed as i put the palms of my hands against my eyelids and sigh "I know this is alot to take in , but if you'd just listen to me" she whispers.

A week ago i would've probably shut her down and get the hell out of here than listen to her talk. But her desperate voice begs for my attention.

I lick my lips "So you're not bulimic?"

A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she rubs her belly "No im not...bulimic. Its just the morning sickness thats all"

I nod slowly and my senses perk up as i sit up straighter and fold my hands into my lap. Desperate for some warmth "Does mom know?"

Her eyes widen as she quickly shakes her head "No , god no. She can't know too. So I'd like to keep this between the two of us . Lord knows , mom can be bit of a control freak. And finding out that her oldest daughter is..." she gulps " pregnant. She'd go on batshit crazy"

She had meant to say favorite.

A dry chuckle passes my lips " Control freak is an understatement" she nods along to my statement as a puff of air leaves her lips .

I trail my eyes over her body and come up to her face "How did this happen?" Her smile wipes off her face as she rolls her lips into her mouth.

You and me both , sister.

She clears her throat as she avoids eye contact with me "As you know . Um. Damien and i left for college together. We were careful and all. Then he started acting distant? Kept on making excuses when we planned dates. I dont know." She sighs .

I snort "Thats a shocker."

She ignores me as she continues "Then i walked into my dorm room one day. I felt it. I knew something bad was gonna happen. And saw him fucking my roommate. I broke up with him. Four months later. I find out im pregnant." tears burn her eyes as she crinkles her nose at the memory.

Oh , this is fucking gold .

She must see my reaction and suddenly a glare takes over her face as she stares daggers into me "Could you be more insensitive !"

I humorless laugh falls from my lips as i stand up "Could i be more insensitive?
He almost raped me ! So sure , you don't believe he'd do something like "fuck your roommate" my tone is laced with venom and sarcasm . By now her face is stained with tears.

path of redemption Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя