chapter forty-five.

64 6 10

-Estella romano

In the midst of all this chaos and endless screams of violence , tarnage and bloodshed

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

In the midst of all this chaos and endless screams of violence , tarnage and bloodshed. We're all hungry for something. I happen to be starving for the taste of pain. Inflicting it to myself was the fucked up part . And i knew it. Some want to inflict pain on others. They nurture on the pain of others. Like the sadistic fucks they are. We're all expecting something in this life . So what am i expecting? I sure as hell am not expecting to be dragged out of my shell and into a fucked up some sort of underground fighting ring with my two bestfriends. After bringing me out of my cave and into the real world after hiding for a week in shame after letting myself be used by zaid gonzales.

"How sick is this? They even have a fucking globe of death !" aprils squeal makes me jump a bit as i look up at her in confusion. What is a freaking globe of death?

I move close to rory as a guy with a huge ass scar down his throat walks pass me. I gulp as i wipe my sweaty palms on my denim jacket "Why the fuck are there so many people? Jesus , i can't even breathe" i hiss as i fan my face feeling the sweat drip down my body.

"Hit him in the nuts ! You big motherfucker !" April cheers for the opponents on stage as blood splashes with every hit. My eyes widen in horror as i pinch her side "Ow , what the- "

"Are you trying to drag attention to ourselves?" I whisper yell and she rolls her eyes dramatically "Relax stel , look everyones screaming. Why can't i?" She gestures to the hundreds of people urging on this sickening place. Knowing that she's not gonna listen to me she turns around and yells out more words of "encouragement" as i sigh and move to rory's side. Her face is set into a deep scowl as she looks at something on her phone. As if feeling me looking she clicks her phone off and smiles at me making me raise an eyebrow at her.

"You good?" I question her as i move closer to her side. Scared that I'd walk into more people with scars on their bodies. She nods as she welcomes me next to her "Yeah , its just..." she stops mid sentence as if the words she wants to say are difficult to just blurt out.

I touch her shoulder "Rory? You okay? You know you can tell me anything?" I soften my words and a small smile takes over her face "Its nothing , moms just being a pain in the ass again" she blows out a puff of air. I nod still not believing her .


Before i can lunge for april , rory intervenes and grabs her elbow cutting off her words . We dragged attention as some people glare at us . Jesus . We're not making it out alive here tonight if april keeps this up.

"...You don't understand rory , that big motherfucker won fair and square , i saw it !" April pouts as she stomps her foot.

Rory sighs as she facepalms herself "God april , do we need to put a leash on you?" She goes to argue but i cut her off and shake my head "You're done , you're done" she pouts as she stands inbetween rory and i. I let out a small smile as i nudge her "You want some icecream after this?" I ask and her eyes light up in excitement as she nods like puppy being taken out for a walk.

path of redemption حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن